Spatial And Economic Dimension Of Livestock Pasturing On Rural Livelihoods And Biodiversity Along The Riparian Vegetation Of River Benue In Northern Nigeria

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a. opara, jacinta. (2018). Spatial And Economic Dimension Of Livestock Pasturing On Rural Livelihoods And Biodiversity Along The Riparian Vegetation Of River Benue In Northern Nigeria. Academy of Agriculture Journal, 3(07).
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The study investigated into the spatial and socio economic consequences of grazing in the riparian on the livelihood of the community along river Benue in Adamawa state Nigeria. Survey design was used and involved 232 respondents selected randomly from the communities along the riparian areas.  Data were collected using the researcher made questionnaire, descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation were used to analyze data. The findings revealed a strong negative relationship at (r = 0.852, p < 0.05), conclusively indicate negative implication on the sustainability of socio-economic activities among communities along river Benue. The study revealed economic effects of grazing as; decrease in habitat and fish productivity, decrease in wild foods and medicinal plants, cultural and recreational potentials among others. Social effects include deteriorating quality of sanitation, poor quality of life and increase in communicable diseases among others. Study further revealed variation in the socio-economic effects of grazing on the livelihoods amidst community in the upper and lower section of the riparian Findings revealed that communities along the lower section of the riparian has more severe weight of both social and economic effects compare to the upper section of the riparian. Study recommends Federal, State government agencies in alliance with traditional authorities and community base organizations; should use research institutions, and universities to push for research projects to educate the society towards having a healthy riparian. Enhance strategies and application of national ranch grazing system which will help in the rehabilitation of the upland vegetation, safeguarding the riparian for a better ecological services

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