The Social Capital is the Foundation of Economic Capital the Evidence of Artisanship in Italy


  • Fabrizio Pezzani Bocconi University,Via Roentgen, 20135 Milano, Italy


To rethink the meaning of our age and human life, to once more make it the focal point of our interests with a less precarious respect and equilibrium. But this cannot be achieved without a profound rethinking of the role and methods of study of economics in our life. “It is time to understand that the world is not facing an ordinary crisis such as the ones that usually occur more or less every decade. It is one of the great transitions in our history when one form of culture is superseded by another, the birth of a new social, cultural and mental order†(Pitirim Sorokin, The crisis of our age, 1941)  “In the capitalist model, the aim is internal, namely, it is an economic aim, as opposed to the traditional concept of economics from Aristotle to Hegel in which the purpose of producing wealth is outside the economic process, or rather, life is good, worth living; so where the aim of the economic aspect is the ethical-religious aspect“ (E. Severino) . In  this way we have changed the  “societas “ ( alliance ) in a “ bellum omnes contra omnes “ ( the war between us ) . It is  necessary to rediscovery the human relationship and the humanistic culture destroyed by technical culture . ‘In a context of uncertainty unparalleled in history, one that in no way compares to developments in our ability to dominate nature, people now aspire to a valid order that can remain under their power. An order that is both useful and promotes human progress, capable of reconciling humanity with the extent of its scientific knowledge, which today is perceived as an absolute value, placing it at the service of the search for a more widespread common good’. Social capital is always the foundation of economic capital ; whithout family relationship none society can survive as the human history shows in the centurys.

Today, finally, our age is again faced with the enigma of life with a crisis that begs the question of which path to follow in the future. We need to rethink the values underlying current problems. An inability to see the roots of these leads to thinking they can still and always will be resolved by means of technical measures because the assumption is they are caused by malfunctioning markets. The real underlying cause is a society that is no longer able to respond to the real problems facing humanity and that by depriving human beings of their conscience has transformed them into tools that no longer know how to find the meaning of lts .The real challenge facing us in this phase in history is to regain an awareness of the meaning of life seen from a more human standpoint of our being. As regards Italy, what is needed is to restore moral fibre and again find its history  and the fundamental role of‘ the  artisanship which id the real root of Italy creativity and the “ made in Italy is its son. The creative sense and value of the "Made in Italy", recognized as unique in the world, has its roots in the history of artisanship. Indeed, the labour of craftsmanship is a form of immediate work in which the eye, the hand, the desire to achieve a goal, the sense and pleasure of the material used, the imagination and ultimately the ability to give shape to matter stimulate a constant propensity for creativity.

This attitude ended up profoundly characterizing the history of the Italian people because artisanship allows maintaining creativity of thought and reduces the pressure for uniformity of behaviour also extended to the life and consumption models characterizing the modern industrial culture.




How to Cite

Pezzani, F. (2018). The Social Capital is the Foundation of Economic Capital the Evidence of Artisanship in Italy. Academy of Social Science Journal, 3(1). Retrieved from


