A Study On Axis Bank Employees Job Satisfaction Levels In Andhra Pradesh

  • S. Jyothirmayi Reddy, B. Venkateswara Reddy, S. Durga Rao
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S. Durga Rao, S. J. R. B. V. R. (2016). A Study On Axis Bank Employees Job Satisfaction Levels In Andhra Pradesh. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 5(05), 102–110. https://doi.org/10.15520/ijbm.vol5.iss5.56.pp102-110
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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After the liberalization, privatisation and globalization, banking industry has expanded its wings across the globe. Axis bank is one such bank which is providing multi varied services to its customers. In the process of satisfying their customer’s employees are undergoing lot of stress. This stress is leading to dissatisfaction among employees. The researcher is making an attempt to find out the job satisfaction levels of employees associated with Axis bank. The major objectives of the study are 1. To find out the impact of demographic variables like age, gender, designation and work experience on the satisfaction levels of Axis bank employees and 2. The factors influencing  the job satisfaction. 250 employees from 12 branches in five major cities  of Andhra Pradesh were surveyed. Convenience sampling method was used to collect the data. A structured questionnaire was administered to collect the data. ANOVA, Chi-square, standard deviation and regression analysis were used to analyse the data. From the analysis it was found that, demographic variables are having a greater impact on the employee satisfaction levels. Factors like pay, Pay, Promotion, Supervision etc. are having significant roles in deciding the satisfaction levels.

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