Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Learning on Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intentions

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Asma Mahar, A. H. S. (2017). Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Learning on Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intentions. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 6(03), 29–33.
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The role entrepreneurial learning can also be evaluated from the perspective of entrepreneurial education which effects on the antecedent of entrepreneurial intentions beyond direct effect. However, among the antecedents, subjective norms’ relationship with entrepreneurial intentions is unclear. Taking this perspective, this study using the data of globaluniversity entrepreneurial student spirit survey, Pakistan, analyze the moderating impact of entrepreneurial learning on relationship between subjective norms on attitude and PBC. The findings of the study suggested that entrepreneurial learning can play a substitution role for subjective norms in development of attitude and PBC towards generation of entrepreneurial intentions. The entrepreneurial learning moderating effect on attitude and PBC may have implication for the universities, educator and academia for developing the entrepreneurial environment, curriculum for developing entrepreneurial learning among the students.

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