Consumer Behavior and Preferences of Indian Consumers towards Apparel Purchase in Retail Markets of India

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Chakrapani, A. (2015). Consumer Behavior and Preferences of Indian Consumers towards Apparel Purchase in Retail Markets of India. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 4(04), 94–100.
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The growth of Indian economy and markets has given birth to a new range of customers who is inclined towards the purchase of braded and quality products specially the apparels as the youth of the country is now exposed to various business and professional situations. The economy has resulted in to the development of markets with new jobs created in the ITES sector, Biomedical, Automotive engineering, Apparel manufacturing and Civil engineering. The growth is strongly supported by the education sector with increase in the number of students enrolling for higher education and large numbers of students graduating every year thus creating a large pool of technical and managerial manpower. The working class people segment has grown since the economic growth and it has benefited middle class and upper middle class people. Due to the increase in the number of working people and substantial raise in income, spending power has increased over the years, and particularly the young Indians in the age of 15 – 25 like to shop more. The Government of India has laid down strict rules to protect the environment and avoiding child labor but there is no legality followed by companies in providing an ethical environment in means of working time and salary. This study focuses on the consumer behavior of young Indians in the age of 15 – 25 to understand and know their perception towards spending and to show a new path for the society and the industry for a sustainable economic and social environment.

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