Customer Perceptions of Mobile Services in Bangladesh.

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Moniruzzaman, M. (2019). Customer Perceptions of Mobile Services in Bangladesh. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 8(01), 22–27. Retrieved from
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This study aims to have a real life exposure in the customer service sector of mobile communication in Bangladesh based on the six operators namely, airtel, banglalink, grameen phone, robi, teletalk, citycell. It identifies the customer services, satisfaction, and the barriers of services of mobile operators in Bangladesh.There were 200 respondents and interviews were conducted through questionnaires on the basis of likert scale method with those who were using different mobile operators like airtel, banglalink, grameen phone, robi, teletalk, citycell etc. Mean value and standard deviation tools have been followed to prepare a meaningful study. Customers are satisfied regarding network quality (? = 3.395) and attractive packages (? = 3.230) on the other hand dissatisfied with regular SMS notifications. These research results might be different in forthcoming days because of companies’ changes of policy, price, package etc according to market demand & regulations. In this study have been tried to demonstrate the customer’s perception on mobile phone in Bangladesh.These results of study may helpful for companies, customers, academics as well as practitioners also to design innovation and satisfaction in the field of mobile services.

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