HRM Investigation: Conflict Management in The Role of Internal Auditor Inside University

  • Muhammad Alkirom Wildan
Cite this:
Wildan, M. A. . (2021). HRM Investigation: Conflict Management in The Role of Internal Auditor Inside University. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 10(01), 260–265.
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The problem of human resources is a challenge in itself for management inside the
organization, no exception with police officers. The successful of management is depend
on the quality of its human resources. In the police office, the adjutant will obey
the leadership, and imitate what the leader does, if the leader can run effectively, the
agency will continue to run effectively, in other words, the provisions for the continuity
of a police agency are determined by the performance of its police members, and
the performance is influenced by discipline, motivation, and leadership style. So, this
study is important to know the effect of work motivation and discipline and leadership
style on Indonesia police performance at Surabaya area.
Key words: motivation–work discipline–and leadership style–and police performance

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