Innovative Journal Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences 2277:4939 10 05 Anemia among Adolescent girls in India: A review of literature 1 Ms. Pabalpreet Kaur Nursing Tutor, M.M College of Nursing, Mullana Dr. (Mrs) Jyoti Sarin Director- Principal, M.M College of Nursing, Mullana Journal Article Abstract Anemia is a major public health problem worldwide and is often ignored in developing countries. Adolescents constitute one of the vulnerable groups of anemia. Anemia at this stage can contribute to impaired physical, psychological and cognitive development, poor school performance and further in pregnancy leads to Increases maternal mortality and preterm and low birth babies. A systematic review was undertaken to find out the prevalence of anemia among adolescent girls from 2011-2019 in India. Method: A review of all published literature related to prevalence of anemia for a period of 9 years (2011-2019) in India was carried out. The online database MEDLINE, Science direct, Pubmed, Google scholar was used to identify relevant studies. Data from studies meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria were abstracted. Results: After assessing the quality of the full texts of potentially 35 relevant studies, 15 studies with a total of 5,691 adolescent girls were included in the review. The review included Descriptive and cross-sectional studies from different states of India. In all studies, prevalence estimated anemia ranged from 21% to 90%. In terms of severity of anemia mild anemia ranges from 18.4% to 73.3% and moderate and severe anemia 19.% to 55.35%, 0.43% to 15.6% respectively. Conclusion: The available evidence suggests that anemia contributes substantially to the health of adolescent girls even today. Present review found that prevalence of anemia in India is still persisting. The review showed that anemia results from inadequate intake of iron in diet, worm infestation, low BMI, not taking Iron and folic acid tablets, low- socioeconomic status. 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