Innovative Journal Journal of Medical Biomedical and Applied Sciences 1362-4962 x Behavior of elderly in use of drug therapy 1 geraldo mota de carvalho Journal Article Abstract Objectives: To identify which drugs are used by older adults, how these are taken and the treatment course, and to relate drugs used with medical prescription. Method: An exploratory, descriptive field study with a quantitative approach was conducted. A total of 25 elderly (aged > 60 years) residents of a Shelter Center who were users of medications with or without medical prescriptions were assessed. Research ethics guidelines were observed and the study approved under CEP/CAAE permit no. 99054818.0.0000.5479. Results and Discussion: The sample comprised 25 respondents, 80% males, 56% aged 60-69 years, and 52% with incomplete 1st grade education. Most participants (88%) had an income of one minimum salary and 20% were engaged in paid work. Overall, 100% of interviewees took anti-hypertensive agents and 80% used diuretics concomitantly; under half took medications at the prescribed times. Regarding expenditure on medications, 84% spent R$ 1.00-50.00, 68% had prescriptions for all medications, while only 52% took the correct dose. All cases of wrong drug dosages involved doses that were too high. For dispensing, 68% acquired medications from government-funded pharmacies. Drugs were taken appropriately by 76% of the elderly, while the remainder took drugs together with fluids or foods, potentially change their desired pharmacological action. Conclusions: The main drug groups taken were anti-hypertensives, diuretics, hypoglycemics and unprescribed analgesics. Drugs were taken improperly, favoring interactions and alteration in drug actions. Many participants took medications without medical prescription. With regard to course of treatment, there were cases of early treatment discontinuation (antibiotics). Anvisa, Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada - RDC n° 3029, de 16 de abril de 1999, 1999, Atkin, P A, Shenfield, G M, Medication-related adverse reactions and the elderly: a literature review, Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological Reviews, 1995, 14, 3, 175, 191 Johnson, A G, Clinical importance for older patients, Drugs and Aging, 1998, 12, 1, 17, 27 Bermudez, J A Z, Indústria farmacêutica, estado e sociedade ­ crítica da política de medicamentos no Brasil, Abrasco, São Paulo; Hucitec/Rio de Janeiro, 1995 Birren, J E E, Schroots, J J F, , J. E. Birren, , K. W. Schaie, History, concepts and theory in the psychology of aging, Handook of the psychology of aging, 1996, Academic Press, San Diego, 3, 23 Brasil, Ministério Da Saúde, Resolução Nº 466, de 12 de dezembro de 2012: Diretrizes e normas regulamentadoras de pesquisa envolvendo seres humanos, Ministério da Saúde, Brasília (DF, 2012 Mannesse, C K, Derkx, F H, De Ridder, M A, Man In 't Veld, A J, Van Der Cammen, T J, Contribution of adverse drug reactions to hospital admission of older patients, Age and Ageing, 2000, 29, 1, 35, 39 Lazarou, Jason, Pomeranz, Bruce H., Corey, Paul N., Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients, JAMA, 1998, 279, 15, 1200, 1200, 0098-7484, 10.1001/jama.279.15.1200, American Medical Association (AMA), Mjörndal, Tom, Boman, Marit Danell, Hägg, Staffan, Bäckström, Martin, Wiholm, Bengt-Erik, Wahlin, Anders, Dahlqvist, Rune, Adverse drug reactions as a cause for admissions to a department of internal medicine, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 2002, 11, 1, 65, 72, 1053-8569, 10.1002/pds.667, Wiley, Mendes, E V, As redes de atenção à saúde, Revista Ciência and Saúde Coletiva, 2010, 15, 5, 2297, 2305 Natalino, M A C, Estimativa da população em situação de rua no Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, Ipea, Brasília: Rio de Janeiro, 2016 Loas, Lei, Orgânica da Assistência Social - Lei nº 8.742, de 7 de dezembro de 1993. Dispõe sobre a organização da Assistência Social e dá outras providências, 2018, Einarson, Thomas R., Drug-Related Hospital Admissions, Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 1993, 27, 7-8, 832, 840, 1060-0280, 1542-6270, 10.1177/106002809302700702, SAGE Publications, Brasil, Ministério Da Saúde, Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde Departamento de Atenção Básica, Cadernos de Atenção Básica - n.º 19 Série A. Normas e Manuais Técnicos. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2006 Netto, Papaléo, , M, , E. Freitas, , L. Py, , A. L. Neri, , F. A. X. Cançado, , M. L. Gorzoni, , S. M. Rocha, Estudo da velhice no século XX: histórico, definição do campo e termos básicos, Tratado de geriatria e gerontologia, 2002, Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, 2, 12 Simões, C C S, Relações entre as alterações históricas na dinâmica demográfica brasileira e os impactos decorrentes do processo de envelhecimento da população- Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, Coordenação de População e Indicadores Sociais, 2016, 119, 119,