Patients' Satisfaction Level Regarding Chemotherapy Infusion Session for Breast Cancer


  • Soha Mohammed Talima Lecturer of Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
  • Eglal Hassanein Abdel-Hakeim Lecturer at Adult Health Nursing – Maghrabi Mansour Nursing Faculty -British University in Egypt
  • Manar Fathy Hamza Lecturer at Adult Health Nursing – Faculty of Nursing -Helwan University, Egypt
  • Moustafa EmadAldaly Lecturer of Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt



Background: Breast cancer is a major health problem in females worldwide. About 12% or one in eight woman’s at risk to develop breast cancer during lifetime. Chemotherapy produces a harmful effect of patients' well-being. Patient satisfaction is avaluable aspect of healthcare organization and it is reflect on patients' outcomes. The aim of the study: to assess patients' satisfaction level regarding chemotherapy infusion session for breast cancer. Methods: A quasi-experimental research design was utilized in the current study. The study was conducted at center of radiation oncology and nuclear medicine outpatient clinic affiliated to Governments Cairo University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: A purposive sample of one group of 174 adult breast cancer females undergoing first dose of chemotherapy. Tools of data collections: Four tools were used for data collection: 1) patients' demographic characteristics 2) Interview questionnaire sheet 3)OUT PATSAT35 satisfaction questionnaire, and4)A telephone follows up call script. Results: revealed that, there was a highly statistically significant improvement in total knowledge and satisfaction of patients' pre and post intervention (P>0.001).Conclusion: The current study concludes that, the implementation of the chemotherapy infusion instructions session had a statistically significant positive effect on improving patients’ knowledge and satisfaction. Recommendation: The study recommended that, application of telephone follow up call in the oncology setting to assist patients to overcome of chemotherapy side effect, give guidance and support, and increase patients' satisfaction. 


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How to Cite

Talima, S. M.; Abdel-Hakeim, E. H.; Hamza, M. F.; EmadAldaly, M. Patients’ Satisfaction Level Regarding Chemotherapy Infusion Session for Breast Cancer. ijnd 2018, 8, 9-18.




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