“Market Research and Analysis of Customer Buying Patterns of Commercial Vehicles by Tata Motors”- A Case Study

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Bihari, S. C., & RATH, S. S. (2015). “Market Research and Analysis of Customer Buying Patterns of Commercial Vehicles by Tata Motors”- A Case Study. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3(5), 32–42. https://doi.org/10.15520/jbme.2015.vol3.iss5.10.pp32-42
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Marketing strategy is defined by David Aaker as a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its resources on the optimal opportunities with the goals of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing strategies of TATA motors is one of the most successful marketing strategies in automobile industry. By looking at the SWOT analysis of Tata Motors, you will know why Tata Motors Company is able to produce large no. of vehicles of various kinds such as buses, trucks, commercial vehicles etc. Important ingredients that makes any marketing strategy so successful are Product, Branding, and Advertising every business started from grass root, from no one knows it until everyone know it. Advertising is one of the most common ways to make car buyer or car enthusiast aware of the new car with special promotion price. Another more important way of advertising is to create an image or brand image. In my study  i am doing a customer need based analysis of commercial vehicles such buses by various educational institutions in east singbhum and seraikela district of Jharkhand. In this phase we have done a physical interaction with the end users. After collecting the primary data i had analyzed which factor affect the sales of the commercial vehicles in the concerned regions. Effective customer needs analysis is dependent on two factors: (1) knowing what customer inputs are needed to create improved and breakthrough products, and (2) knowing how to capture them. Much has been written about customer needs analysis and the importance of understanding the customer. Companies spend considerable time and money towards this end. Yet, companies rarely know all their customer’s needs. This notion has led us to create a whole new way to define, capture, and use customer needs to create breakthrough products and services.

Various methodologies were adopted to analyze the collected data. Industrial, Economical and organization’s analysis was done based on the data available from secondary sources. SAS enterprise guide 4.2 software is also used for analysis.

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