Marketing metrics in data driven culture

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Markić, sc. B., Bijakšić, sc. S., & Bevanda, sc. A. (2015). Marketing metrics in data driven culture. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3(4).
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Data driven culture is a system of methods, techniques, and procedures that enable company’s data modelling, storage and analysis with ultimate goal of using analysis' results in decision-making and managing process at different organizational levels and business functions. In fact information technology development has ensured all assumptions for physical storage of almost infinite amount of data, but also their search and analysis. Information system records data that are generated by business processes within an organizational system. Data interesting for marketing are recorded in formatted operational data bases, but also in form of text, messages in different social groups, web sites, and blogs. Format or data form recorded in format of flat files is not predetermined by structure of data model, and their analysis has special research task. Nowadays data driven culture is developed in organizational systems’ management that have data in starting point, and decisions are based on their analysis.

One aspect of data driven culture is analysed in this paper. It is relied on operational data bases and marketing metrics aiding in business decision making.

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