Review the affecting factors on relationship management with customer in credit and financial institution branches of Samen Alhojaj Sabzevar

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Reza MirAli, S. H. (2015). Review the affecting factors on relationship management with customer in credit and financial institution branches of Samen Alhojaj Sabzevar. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3(3), 10–12.
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This study examines the affecting factors on relationship management with customer in credit and financial institution branches of SamenAlhojajSabzevar.In this study review the fundamental question: What factors affecton the management performance with customer and how is the interaction between these factors and present assumptionsbased onwhether the structure, formality focus and complexity have the identical impact on relationship management with customer or not.It has been tried to identify and rank the effective factors. The main objective of this research is to identify the dimensions and the model components of the evaluation CRM credit and financial institution SameAlhojajof Sabzevar city and evaluating the exiting situation of Institute CRM and defining the affecting factors on creating a gap between the exiting situation and the ideal situation.Method of the study is causal– comparisonwhich components of the CRM model were determined by Inferential statistics and Pearson correlation testin the first stepby examination the reports and documents   and in the second step by distribution the questionnaires among the customers of credit and financial institution of SamenAlhojaj and the results indicate that there is a significant relationshipbetween this structure and politicsof credit and financial institution of SamenAlhojaj and communication management with customer, so it is suggested to create a series of CRM assessment criteria in order to define  CRM strategic goals and establish some processfor feedback continuous supervision of customers and perform the market research continuously.

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