Sustainability and green practices at Malaysian seaports: Contributors to the core competitiveness

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Beleya, P., Raman, G., & Chelliah, M. K. (2015). Sustainability and green practices at Malaysian seaports: Contributors to the core competitiveness. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 3(3), 23–27.
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This paper divulges at the Malaysian seaports management practices in adhering to environmentally friendly needs in line with global efforts in this field. It focuses mainly on seaport operations, which are lifelines for international trade linking the entire supply chain in one way or another, whereby, sustainability and green practices in Malaysia could lead to core competitiveness among the various players. Hence, strengthening in applying the concept of quality sustainable development, within the conceptual view of Resource Based View (RBV) which we believe will have an impact to the core competitiveness in Malaysian seaports.

In addition, the research was conducted to provide a better understanding of the community, financial, and regulatory context that lead to the decisions that seaports make when implementing these new practices in aiming to achieve positive reinforcing between economic growth and environmental issues.

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