To Study Reproductive Health Rights Affected by Socio-Cultural Factors in Tarikhet Block District Almora, Uttarakhand

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Kumar, D. (2013). To Study Reproductive Health Rights Affected by Socio-Cultural Factors in Tarikhet Block District Almora, Uttarakhand. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 1(9 Sep). Retrieved from
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Women’s health status is affected by complex biological, social and cultural factors, which are interrelated and only can be addressed in a comprehensive manner. Reproductive health is determined not only by the quality and availability of health care, but also by socio-economic development levels, lifestyles and women’s position in society. Women health is compromised not by lack of medical knowledge, but by infringement on women’s human rights including reproductive health rights. Poor women, who lack adequate food, basic health care, or modern contraception, suffer grave consequences for reproductive health. A woman who is malnourished and in poor health runs much greater risks in reproductive health issues and usually suffers without proper treatment and dies in most of cases.


Key Words: - Key words:-Married Women, socio-economic factors, lifestyles, medical knowledge

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