Pharmacological Assessment of Polygonum flaccidum M.


  • Bijoy Karon Md. Ahad Ali Khan, Md. Abdur Noor, Md. Torequl Islam*


Plants are rich source of pharmacologically active agents, which could be exploited in human disease management. Polygonum flaccidum M. is used by the Kabiraj (traditional practitioners) in pain and gastrointestinal motility. The present study was conducted to evaluate some pharmacological activities of the ethanol (EEPF), methanol (MEPF) and petroleum ether (PEPF) extractives of P. flaccidum. The 500 mg/kg of EEPF reduced the diarrhoeal faeces 8.2 and extends the latency period 1.38 h in the castor oil induced diarrhoeal mice. Similarly, the same dose of EEPF extends the charcoal defecation by 6.05 h in comparison to the standard loperamide. The MEPF produced a reduction of the onset (22.6 min) and duration (28.8 min) of pentobarbitone-induced hypnosis tests. All the extractives exhibited dose dependent activity


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How to Cite

Md. Torequl Islam*, B. K. M. A. A. K. M. A. N. (2014). Pharmacological Assessment of Polygonum flaccidum M. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Opinion, 1(1). Retrieved from