Momordica charantia Linn.: A Comprehensive Review on Bitter Remedy


  • Sonia Sharma*, Shruti Tandon, Bhupesh Semwal, Komal singh


India is called the botanical garden of the world for its rich natural resources. Over 6000 plants in India are in used in traditional, folklore and herbal medicine. The Indian system of medicine has identified 1500 medicinal plants of which 500 are commonly used. Plants have a long therapeutic history over thousands of years and still considered to be promising source of medicine in the traditional health care system. The efficacy and safety of herbal medicine have turned the major pharmaceutical population towards medicinal plant’s research. In view of the widespread interest on using medicinal plants the present review on Momordica charantia is to provide up to date information, in references to botanical, commercial, ethnopharmacological, phytochemical and pharmacological studies




How to Cite

Komal singh, S. S. S. T. B. . S. (2014). Momordica charantia Linn.: A Comprehensive Review on Bitter Remedy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Opinion, 1(2). Retrieved from