Antimicrobial And Anti Oxidant Activity of Seeds of Terminalia chebula Plant Extracts


  • Pai Aruna


The present study is aimed to carry out antimicrobial and anti oxidant activity of n-hexane and ethyl acetate extract of seeds of Terminalia chebula .Phytochemical investigation of all these extracts showed the presence of steroids and flavonoids as major constituents. The antimicrobial activity of the extracts were carried out by Disc diffusion method using different gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains and fungal strains. The anti oxidant activity was carried out using DPPH method and the results were compared with that of ascorbic acid which was used as a standard. N-hexane and ethyl acetate extract of the plants showed significant anti microbial activity when compared with standard drugs Tetracycline and grieseofulvin respectively for antibacterial and anti fungal activity. For antimicrobial activity, zone of inhibition were found to be in concentration of 5μg / ml for bacterial strains and 4μg / ml for fungal strains. Ethyl acetate extact of Terminalia chebula showed more significant anti oxidant activity than n-hexane extract.




How to Cite

Aruna, P. (2014). Antimicrobial And Anti Oxidant Activity of Seeds of Terminalia chebula Plant Extracts. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Opinion, 2(12). Retrieved from