Political Development in Pakistan in 21st Century


  • Raheem Abbas


Twenty first century is called an age of Globalization not in the terms of technological advancement, but this is also an age of cultural patterns’ advancement.  As culture includes ideas, customs, traditions and values, globalization of cultural patterns means expansion of cultural attributes especially culture of first world, because this is a human psychology to adopt developed patterns either politically or socially.

This study will highlight the globalization of developed world’s culture in rest of the world and analyzing its impacts on political development of Pakistan in 21st century. Issues of gender inequality, women participation in the socio-political activities, freedom of opinion and awareness of rights and duties of all the citizens are such norms which are promoting from developed political culture to the less developed or developing political cultures especially Pakistan. Impacts of such globalized norms and legislation for implementing them through Women Empowerment Bill 2006, 17th and 18th amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan will be described in this study.




How to Cite

Abbas, R. (2017). Political Development in Pakistan in 21st Century. Academy of Social Science Journal, 2(11). Retrieved from https://innovativejournal.in/index.php/assj/article/view/1945


