Gender And Children On Liberation Movement: The Role Of Women In Liberation Movements


  • Mary Nyawira Thongo Post Graduate Student, Kenyatta University


The Agikuyu society has been structured in a way that, religion and culture justify gender hierarchy. This is done in the socialization process and through classification of roles by gender. Gender imbalance is perceived by both males and females as natural, and perhaps divine, and therefore, unchangeable. There is a need to give Agikuyu women more decision-making powers to enable them participate more fully in development. There is also need to conscientize both men and women on the need for gender integration. This will not only liberate AGikuyu people but also the Kenyan society at large. Women have played a great role in pre-colonial, colonial and post colonial politics In Kenya, traditional perceptions of women as inferior to men prevail as many people uphold cultural practices which enhance the subordination of women. Consequently, men continue to dominate women in political, economic, social, and religious realms. The latter’s political endeavors, achievements, and roles in society are hardly recognised or acknowledged. The paper will be an examination of pre-colonial, Mau Mau and post colonial politics through the lens of gender hierarchy to determine the role of gender in liberation movements. Emphasis on how constructions of masculinity and femininity shape and are shaped by interacting economic, political, and ideological practices. We will examine gender in the Mau Mau movement. This study will investigate the extent in which gender has participation in pre-colonial, Mau Mau and post colonial politic in Kirinyaga County, to represent central Kenya, the study will commence from 1963 because of the dismal performance of Kenya in regard to gender equity in political leadership, despite having pioneered and provided leadership to the Mau Mau movement and the post-1990 multi-party women empowerment programmes in the East African region to 2007. Using data from 10 oral respondents 2 from each county, published and unpublished information I will be able to determine the role of gender in Mau mau and other political process, in Kenya and specifically Kirinyaga County of central Kenya.




How to Cite

Thongo, M. N. (2017). Gender And Children On Liberation Movement: The Role Of Women In Liberation Movements. Academy of Social Science Journal, 1(5). Retrieved from