Formulation and Evaluation of Orodispersible Antacid Tablet For Geriatric Patient


  • Gopal S. Gandh*,


Orodispersible tablets are those that dissolve or disintegrate quickly in the oral cavity, resulting in solution or suspension. In geriatric patient acidity are commonly occurring due to decrease metabolic and weak hepatic function. In the present study orodispersible tablets of an antacid aluminium hydroxide was prepared by direct compression method using crosspovidone, Crosscarmellose and Indion 414, as superdisintegrants. The tablets prepared were evaluated for various parameters like hardness, friability, disintegration time, wetting time and acid neutralizing capacity. All the parameters were found to be within limits. The developed formulation of antacid showed good palatability and dispersed within 40 seconds. When the results were compared with that of chewable tablets or dispersible tablets was found to be better with respect to simple manufacturing and acid neutralizing capacity.




How to Cite

Gandh*, G. S. (2013). Formulation and Evaluation of Orodispersible Antacid Tablet For Geriatric Patient. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Opinion, 1(1). Retrieved from