Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for submitting „INNOVATIVE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCE (ISSN: 2277-4939)” scientific journal or the ICI Journals Master List 2018 evaluation. Based on the information submitted in your journal’s questionnaire our experts calculated your Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2018.

ICV 2018 = 90.09

Detailed evaluation report is available at , please log in as a journal’s representative in ICI Journals Master List Survey tab.

We kindly encourage you to regularly update information about your journal and the new content of published issues in the Journal. Keeping up to date information about the new articles and issues, bibliography as well as information on Editorial Office and Publisher will have positive impact on:

  • presence of the publication in the newly created ICI World of Papers database,
  • increasing your journal’s audience and reaching out to researchers from around the world,
  • presence in digital world of science thanks to digitalization of the published content,
  • participation of your journal in the process of resolving citations by identifying citations,
  • maintaining scientific transparency and counteracting the so called „predatory journals” practices.


Currently, there are over 44 thousand magazines registered in our database, and the number of users visiting our website exceeds 60,000 each month. Therefore, making full use of the ICI World of Journals / ICI Journals Master List capabilities will allow you to increase the impact of the magazine, help in establishing international cooperation and build indicators of citations.

Your ICV is visible in your Journal Passport in the ICI World of Journals database.

Go to journal passport