Awareness of HIV in the late Adolescent students in Rural Area of Deoli Block, Wardha District, Maharashtra

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D. C. M. A. P. M. K. Vasant Wagh, Abhay Mudey, “Awareness of HIV in the late Adolescent students in Rural Area of Deoli Block, Wardha District, Maharashtra”, ijmhs, vol. 6, no. 1, Feb. 2016.
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Background: HIV prevalence continues to be high among vulnerable groups. Physical, psychological, and social attributes of adolescence make young people particularly vulnerable to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

Objectives: 1) To determine awareness about HIV among the adolescent age students. 2) To assess the interpretation regarding the signs and symptoms and mode of transmission.

Method: A cross sectional study on Late adolescent college going students both males and females in a Junior College in Deoli block of Wardha district where 200 students were interviewed (Male: 117, Female: 83) by a pre-designed, pre-tested anonymous, self administered questionnaire was filled by 11th, 12th standard students after obtaining necessary permission from the school authority and consent was taken from the adolescent students.

Result: 100% students were aware about HIV/AIDS. TV was the main source of information. Male students were found to have better knowledge regarding transmission and prevention of AIDS than female students. Decrease in misconceptions and an increase in knowledge occurred about various modes of transmission of HIV& its prevention.

Conclusion: The present study highlights that most of them are aware of HIV/AIDS.  TV and Internet plays a significant role in knowledge about HIV among adolescents.

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