Generation of multiple copies of complete organism from single drop of blood during the war of Maa Kali and Raktabija and role of DNA as Panchbhutas

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P. B. Garima Tyagi, “Generation of multiple copies of complete organism from single drop of blood during the war of Maa Kali and Raktabija and role of DNA as Panchbhutas”, ijmhs, vol. 6, no. 1, Feb. 2016.
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The most interesting fact about cloning is that research regarding cloning was already performed thousands and thousands of years back in the era when there were no scientific instruments available but still the science and technology was too developed. This cloning was clear cut example of Biotechnology. This paper mainly establishes the relationship between religion and science. For this purpose, an example has been extracted from Shri Durgasaptashati, where the incidence of war between Maa Kali and Raktabija takes place. The process of cloning of multiple clones of Raktabija, the scientific techniques behind it, unique characteristics a of blood cells, role of media and sterile conditions and the basic components of life according to science as well as religious point of view have been explained here. This is world’s first research paper in which the direct connection between panchbhutas and DNA has been established.

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