Effect of aging on timed balance test scores

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N. V. S. S. J. J. Raksha Jivani, “Effect of aging on timed balance test scores”, ijmhs, vol. 7, no. 1, Feb. 2017.
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Background - Tests of standing balance are frequently included in neurological evaluations, few objective data are available to indicate how well individuals of different ages should be able to maintain standing balance so the present study was carried out to establish the relationship between performance on timed balance tests and age.Methodology: Normal males and females (n=75) in the age group of 20-69 years were included in the study after they gave their informed consent.The subjects were allocated to 5 groups according to their age. Group A – 20-29 years, Group B – 30-39 years,Group C – 40-49 year,  Group D – 50-59 years, Group E –  60-69 years.Subjects stood without shoes with weight bearing lower extremities inside 18×20- inches frame on a smooth and level surface.Subjects in each age group performed eight balancing activities and time was recorded for each activity on a digital stop watch.Results- All subjects balanced for 30 seconds with feet apart and with feet together both with their eyes open and with their eyes closed. A significant negative correlation existed between the age and timed balance on one leg with eyes open and eyes closed.Conclusion – The results of the present study showed that decreased in timed balance test scores with ageing.

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