A study on the relationship between haemoglobin concentration in third trimester of pregnancy and birth weight of the baby

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G. Bordoloi, “A study on the relationship between haemoglobin concentration in third trimester of pregnancy and birth weight of the baby”, ijmhs, vol. 7, no. 1, Feb. 2017.
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Background- Iron deficiency anaemia, being the most common nutritional disorder in the world, affects a large population of pregnant women in India. Low haemoglobin concentration not only is hazardous for the mother, it also poses a significant morbidity for the babies.

Aim- This study was done to observe the relationship between haemoglobin concentration in the third trimester of pregnancy in a group of women and they were followed up till the birth weight of the babies were recorded.

Materials and method: A hospital-based cross sectional study was conducted among 100 pregnant women. Maternal Hemoglobin levels during the third trimester (32-36 weeks) of pregnancy were measured by Cyanmet hemoglobin method. The patients were followed up and the weight of the babies were recorded immediately after birth.

Results and observation: The number of low birth weight babies increased as the maternal haemoglobin concentration decreased. The number was highest in severe maternal anemia. The percentage of LBW babies was slightly more in non-anemic women than mildly anemic women.

Conclusion: Maternal hemoglobin concentration was closely related to the birth weight of the baby. There is a need to closely observe and correct the iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women.

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