Evaluating The Influence Of Physical Education Programs Based On A Game Approach To The Actual Motor Capacity Of Elementary School Children

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Dr. Doan Tien Trung, Dr. Pham Thi Le Hang, “Evaluating The Influence Of Physical Education Programs Based On A Game Approach To The Actual Motor Capacity Of Elementary School Children”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 629–637, Oct. 2019.
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This study is to test the effectiveness of the program on the development of the basic motor skills by taking into account the degree of movement in overtime activities of sampled participants and their gender. The study included 74 children (36 men and 38 women; average age: 9 years). According to these data, children were grouped into two moving levels (i.e., High and Low) and, for each group by sex, a t-sample test was performed to assess the level of actual motor capacity development before and after the project. Males who were brought into the low-level movement group had a significant improvement in the location and the coarse engine development negotiation score (which is most likely and likely to have a positive effect). A contradictory effect is estimated for women: only girls in high-level movements show significant and likely positive effects of treatment in their motor scores. These results highlight the effect of analyzing the physical education program, although the relative positive results on the selected participants are not enough to overcome the problems of child malnutrition that the document always emphasizes.
Keywords: Check for development of Gross engine; teaching methods;extracurricular activities; teaching-learning process.

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1.Batterham, A. M., & Hopkins, W. G.(2006). Making meaningful inferencesabout magnitudes. International journal of sports physiology and performance, 1(1), 50-57. 2.Brusseau, T. A., Hannon, J. C., & Burns,R. D. (2016). Effect of a ComprehensiveSchool Physical Activity Program onphysical activity and health-related fitnessin children from low-income families.Journal of Physical Activity and Health,13, 888–894. 3.Bryant, E. S., Duncan, M. J., Birch, S. L.,& James, R. S. (2016). Can fundamentalmovement skill mastery be increased via asix week physical activity intervention tohave positive effects on physical activityand physical self-perception? Sports, 4(1),10. 4.Clark, J.E.(2005). From the beginning: adevelopmental perspective on movementand mobility.Quest, 57(1), 37 5.Dordel, S. (2000). Kindheit heute:veränderte Lebensbedingungen=reduzierte motorische Leistungsfähigkeit.Sportunterricht, 49(11), 341-349. 6.Erwin, H. E., & Castelli, D. M. (2008).National physical education standards: Asummary of student performance and itscorrelates. Research Quarterly forExercise and Sport, 79(4), 495-505. 7.Fairclough, S., & Stratton, G. (2005).Physical activity levels in middle and highschool physical education: a review.Pediatric exercise science, 17(3), 217-236. 8.Francesco S, Antonella Q, Fabiana P &Mario L, (2019). Assessing the impact ofa physical education project based ongames approach on the actual motorcompetence of primary school children.Journal of Physical Education and Sport,19 (3), pp 781 – 786 9.Filippone, B., Vantini, C., Bellucci, M.,Faigenbaum, A. D., Casella, R., & Pesce,C. (2007). Trend secolari di involuzionedelle capacità motorie in età scolare. SDS,72, 31. 10.Hardy, L. L., Reinten-Reynolds, T.,Espinel, P., Zask, A., & Okely, A. D.(2012). Prevalence and correlates of lowfundamental movement skill competencyin children. Pediatrics, 130(2). 11.Hopkins, W., Marshall, S., Batterham, A.,& Hanin, J. (2009). Progressive statisticsfor studies in sports medicine and exercisescience. Medicine & Science in Sports &Exercise, 41(1), 3-12. 12.Howley, E. T. (2001). Type of activity:resistance, aerobic and leisure versusoccupational physical activity. Medicine& Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(6),S364-S369 13.Logan, S. W., Robinson, L. E., Wilson, A.E., & Lucas, W. A. (2012). Getting thefundamentals of movement: ametaZanalysis of the effectiveness ofmotor skill interventions in children.Child: care, health and development,38(3), 305-315. 14.Logan, S. W., Kipling Webster, E.,Getchell, N., Pfeiffer, K. A., & Robinson,L. E. (2015). Relationship betweenfundamental motor skill competence andphysical activity during childhood andadolescence: A systematic review.Kinesiology Review, 4(4), 416-426. 15.O’Brien, W., Belton, S., & Issartel, J.(2016). Fundamental movement skillproficiency amongst adolescent youth.Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy,21(6), 557-571. 16.Sgrò, F., Quinto, A., Pignato, S., &Lipoma, M. (2016). Comparison ofproduct- and process-oriented modelaccuracy for assessing countermovementvertical jump motor proficiency in pre-adolescents. Journal of PhysicalEducation and Sport. 16(3), 921-926. 17.Sgrò, F., Quinto, A., Messana, L., Pignato,S., & Lipoma, M. (2017). Assessment ofgross motor developmental level in Italianprimary school children. Journal ofPhysical Education and Sport. 17(3),1954-1959. 18.Sgrò, F., Mango, P., Pignato, S., Schembri,R., Licari, D., Lipoma, M. (2017).Assessing Standing Long JumpDevelopmental Levels Using an InertialMeasurement Unit. Perceptual and MotorSkills. Perceptual and Motor Skills,124(1), 21-38. 19.Sgrò, F., Bracco, S., Pignato, S., &Lipoma, M. (2018). Small-Sided Gamesand Technical Skills in Soccer Training:Systematic Review and Implications forSport and Physical EducationPractitioners. Journal of Sports Science.6(1), 9-19. 20.Stodden, D. F., Goodway, J. D.,Langendorfer, S. J., Roberton, M. A.,Rudisill, M. E., Garcia, C., & Garcia, L. 21.Telford, A., Salmon, J., Timperio, A., &Crawford, D. (2005). Quantifying andCharacterizing Physical Activity AMong5-to 6-and 10-to 12-Year-Old Children:The Children’s Leisure Activities Study(CLASS). Pediatric Exercise Science,17(3), 266-280. 22.Ulrich, D. A. (1985). Test of gross motordevelopment. Austin, TX: Pro-ED. Inc.US Department of Health and HumanServices. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Washington (DC): ODPHP Publication No. U0036; 2008 [cited 2011 Jul 4]. Available from: 23.Valentini N.C., Logan S., Spessato B.,Santayana de Souza M., Keila G. Pereira, Rudisill M., (2016) Fundamental MotorSkills Across Childhood: Age, Sex, andCompetence Outcomes of BrazilianChildren, Journal of Motor Learning andDevelopment, 4(1), 16 -36.

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1.Batterham, A. M., & Hopkins, W. G.(2006). Making meaningful inferencesabout magnitudes. International journal of
sports physiology and performance, 1(1), 50-57.
2.Brusseau, T. A., Hannon, J. C., & Burns,R. D. (2016). Effect of a ComprehensiveSchool Physical Activity Program onphysical activity and health-related fitnessin children from low-income families.Journal of Physical Activity and Health,13, 888–894.
3.Bryant, E. S., Duncan, M. J., Birch, S. L.,& James, R. S. (2016). Can fundamentalmovement skill mastery be increased via asix week physical activity intervention tohave positive effects on physical activityand physical self-perception? Sports, 4(1),10.
4.Clark, J.E.(2005). From the beginning: adevelopmental perspective on movementand mobility.Quest, 57(1), 37
5.Dordel, S. (2000). Kindheit heute:veränderte Lebensbedingungen=reduzierte motorische Leistungsfähigkeit.Sportunterricht, 49(11), 341-349.
6.Erwin, H. E., & Castelli, D. M. (2008).National physical education standards: Asummary of student performance and itscorrelates. Research Quarterly forExercise and Sport, 79(4), 495-505.
7.Fairclough, S., & Stratton, G. (2005).Physical activity levels in middle and highschool physical education: a review.Pediatric exercise science, 17(3), 217-236.
8.Francesco S, Antonella Q, Fabiana P &Mario L, (2019). Assessing the impact ofa physical education project based ongames approach on the actual motorcompetence of primary school children.Journal of Physical Education and Sport,19 (3), pp 781 – 786
9.Filippone, B., Vantini, C., Bellucci, M.,Faigenbaum, A. D., Casella, R., & Pesce,C. (2007). Trend secolari di involuzionedelle capacità motorie in età scolare. SDS,72, 31.
10.Hardy, L. L., Reinten-Reynolds, T.,Espinel, P., Zask, A., & Okely, A. D.(2012). Prevalence and correlates of lowfundamental movement skill competencyin children. Pediatrics, 130(2).
11.Hopkins, W., Marshall, S., Batterham, A.,& Hanin, J. (2009). Progressive statisticsfor studies in sports medicine and exercisescience. Medicine & Science in Sports &Exercise, 41(1), 3-12.
12.Howley, E. T. (2001). Type of activity:resistance, aerobic and leisure versusoccupational physical activity. Medicine& Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(6),S364-S369
13.Logan, S. W., Robinson, L. E., Wilson, A.E., & Lucas, W. A. (2012). Getting thefundamentals of movement: ametaZanalysis of the effectiveness ofmotor skill interventions in children.Child: care, health and development,38(3), 305-315.
14.Logan, S. W., Kipling Webster, E.,Getchell, N., Pfeiffer, K. A., & Robinson,L. E. (2015). Relationship betweenfundamental motor skill competence andphysical activity during childhood andadolescence: A systematic review.Kinesiology Review, 4(4), 416-426.
15.O’Brien, W., Belton, S., & Issartel, J.(2016). Fundamental movement skillproficiency amongst adolescent youth.Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy,21(6), 557-571.
16.Sgrò, F., Quinto, A., Pignato, S., &Lipoma, M. (2016). Comparison ofproduct- and process-oriented modelaccuracy for assessing countermovementvertical jump motor proficiency in pre-adolescents. Journal of PhysicalEducation and Sport. 16(3), 921-926.
17.Sgrò, F., Quinto, A., Messana, L., Pignato,S., & Lipoma, M. (2017). Assessment ofgross motor developmental level in Italianprimary school children. Journal ofPhysical Education and Sport. 17(3),1954-1959.
18.Sgrò, F., Mango, P., Pignato, S., Schembri,R., Licari, D., Lipoma, M. (2017).Assessing Standing Long JumpDevelopmental Levels Using an InertialMeasurement Unit. Perceptual and MotorSkills. Perceptual and Motor Skills,124(1), 21-38.
19.Sgrò, F., Bracco, S., Pignato, S., &Lipoma, M. (2018). Small-Sided Gamesand Technical Skills in Soccer Training:Systematic Review and Implications forSport and Physical EducationPractitioners. Journal of Sports Science.6(1), 9-19.
20.Stodden, D. F., Goodway, J. D.,Langendorfer, S. J., Roberton, M. A.,Rudisill, M. E., Garcia, C., & Garcia, L.
21.Telford, A., Salmon, J., Timperio, A., &Crawford, D. (2005). Quantifying andCharacterizing Physical Activity AMong5-to 6-and 10-to 12-Year-Old Children:The Children’s Leisure Activities Study(CLASS). Pediatric Exercise Science,17(3), 266-280.
22.Ulrich, D. A. (1985). Test of gross motordevelopment. Austin, TX: Pro-ED. Inc.US Department of Health and HumanServices. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Washington (DC): ODPHP Publication No. U0036; 2008 [cited 2011 Jul 4]. Available from:
23.Valentini N.C., Logan S., Spessato B.,Santayana de Souza M., Keila G. Pereira,
Rudisill M., (2016) Fundamental MotorSkills Across Childhood: Age, Sex, andCompetence Outcomes of BrazilianChildren, Journal of Motor Learning andDevelopment, 4(1), 16 -36.
