Assessment of Nutritional Status, knowledge and practices of women attend fitness centers (GYM) at AL-Klakla Area, December, 2016

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Jihad Khider Ahmed Ibrahim, Dr .Suzan Ali yousif Abo*, Pro.Omer A.musa, “Assessment of Nutritional Status, knowledge and practices of women attend fitness centers (GYM) at AL-Klakla Area, December, 2016”, ijmhs, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 638–660, Nov. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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The study objectives of this study were to assess the nutritional status,
knowledge, awareness, and practices of women attending fitness (gym) centers
at Alklakla locality, the sample included hundred (100) women had been
chosen randomly from five different centers at ALklakla
Questionnaire was used as tool to collect the data which included: socio
demographic characteristics, sport information, medical history as well as
nutritional and anthropometrics data. Data entry and analysis done through
SPPS program by frequencies and cross tabulation.
The results of the study showed that: The age of sample ranged from 20 to 35
years old. 46% of the sample belongs to the age group 20-24 years old. 50%
were students at universities. Anthropometric measurements showed that: 70%
were overweight, 48% their waist/hip ratio more than 85%. 53%) have joined
gym to reduce their weight. 63% of women who attend gym knew it from their
friends. Most of the women studied (63%) were not satisfied with their body
shapes and the majority (78%) reported that exercising positively change their
mood. Half of the women studied eat usually less than three meals daily (51%).
48% regularly take fast food three times or more per week, 46% of them used
frying as the most common method of cooking their food.
The study found that most of the women studied followed tough diet (low in
energy, protein and fats); they depend on vegetables, soups, fruits and
excluding meals to reduce calories (there exists an inadequacy in dietary intake
of both macro and micronutrients). There was also lack knowledge about
nutrition, healthy food choices and the component of a well-balanced diet.
Therefore, this study recommends and stresses on the importance of the
presence of dietitians at all gym centers as to help in improving these women
nutrition awareness and the healthiest ways to lose weight.
GYM: Means gymnasium, facility equipped for sports or physical training

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1. Andonova Trakia (2014) .Information and awareness of the students' healthy eating . Trakia Journal of Sciences, 12(Suppl.):362-366? 2. Albassam R S; Gawwad E A; and Latifa Khanam. (2007). Weight Management Practices and their Relationship to Knowledge, Perception and Health Status of Saudi Females Attending Diet Clinics in Riyadh City. Journal of Egypt Public Health Association. 82(1 and 2):173-201.? 3. Ali HI; Baynouna L and Bernsen R M. (2010). Barriers and facilitators of weight management: Perspectives of Arab women at risk for type 2 diabetes. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2:219-28.? 4. Amini M; Janghorbani M; Walter C; Gouya M MFirst Delavari A; Alikhani S and Mahdavi A. (2007). Nationwide Survey of Prevalence of Overweight, Underweight, and Abdominal Obesity in Iranian Adults. Obesity, 15 (11):2797-808.? 5. Azizi M; Rahmani-Nia F; Malaee M and Khosravi N. A (2010). Study of Nutritional Knowledge and Attitudes of Elite College Athletes in Iran.Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity, 4(2):105-112.? 6. Benardot D (2006). Advanced SportNutrition. Second edition. Free Bundle E-book. USA. 7. Blossner M. (2005). Malnutrition,Qualifying the health impact at nationaland local levels, Global Database onChild Health and Malnutrition. WHOpublication. 8. CDC Division of Nutrition (2015).Physical Activity, and Obesity. NationalCenter for Chronic Disease Preventionand Health Promotion. Available at URL: 9. Elamin. A. (2016). Assessment ofnutritional status . Sultan QaboosUniversity. Oman. 10. Elhassan M R; Gamal H E andMohammed G S. (2013). NutritionKnowledge Attitude and Practices amongstudents of Ahfad University for Women.Indian J.Sci.Res., 4(1):25-34. 11. Sports Dieticians (2009). Fact sheet aboutFluids in Sport, sport dietitians Australia.Available at URL: uids-in-sport.pdf 12. Gallagher J. (2015). PsychologicalEffects of Fitness Advertising on FemaleCollegiate Athletes. Elon Journal ofUndergraduate Research inCommunications, 6(2):24-34. 13. Safety and Health in Arts Production andEntertainment (SHAPE) (2006). GoodNutrition for Dancers.AvailableatURL: 14. Italian Association of Dietitians (2006).Guide to food cooking methods. Memberof IOA and EFAD. Available at URL: . 15. Luettgen M; Porcari; J P; Foster R M andRodriguez-Morroyo J. (2012). Zumba:It's fun but is it effective? ACE certifiednews. pages.1-3. 16. Hussin H A. (2001). Adverse Effects ofHerbs and Drug-Herbal Interactions.Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy, 1(2):39-44. 17. Jones H; Millward P and Buraimo B.(2008). Adult participation in sportAnalysis of the Taking Part Survey.Department for Culture, Media andSport. Pages: 1-453. 18. Ljubojevi? A; Jakovljevi? V and PoprženM. (2014). Effects of zumba fitnessprogram on body composition of women.SportLogia, l0(1): 29-33. 19. Macera A C.(2010). Eating BeforePerforming, sport, cardiovascular, andwellness nutrition. American dieteticassociation. Available at URL: 20. Maheshwari R; Chauhan AK; Gupta Aand SHarma SH. Cinnamon (2013). AnImperative Spice for Human Comfort.International Journal of PharmaceuticalResearch and Bio-Science, 2(5):131-145. 21. Mahmoud RH and Elnour W. (2013).Comparative evaluation of the efficacy ofginger and orlistat on obesitymanagement, pancreatic lipase and liverperoxisomal catalase enzyme in malealbino rats . National Center forBiotechnology Information, U.S.National Library of Medicine. Pages 75-83. 22. Nieri T et al. (2015). All About HavingFun: Women's Experience of ZumbaFitness. Sociology of Sport Journal,Available at URL: workouts.html. 23. Nowak R; Jastrz?bski Z; Zar?bska A ;Bichowska M ; Kostrzewa I;Kozakiewicz D ; Radzimi?ski ? ;Leo?ska A and Ci?szczyk P. (2015).Effect of 12-week-long aerobic trainingprogramme on body composition, aerobiccapacity, complete blood count and bloodlipid profile among young womenBiochem. Med. (Zagreb), 25(1):103-13. 24. Overweight and obesity in the EasternMediterranean Region: can we control it?Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal.2004; Vol 10, No. 6. 25. Pickering R P;Bridget F Mand Chou S. P.(2007). Are overweight, Obesity, andExtreme Obesity Associated WithPsychopathology? Results from theNational Epidemiologic Survey onAlcohol and Related conditions. J. Clinic.Pychychiatry, 68 (7):998-1009. 26. Priya S and R Annadurai (2015). Effectsof Aerobic Training and Zumba Trainingon Physical Fitness Variables of MiddleAge Obese Women, International Journalof Recent Research and Applied Studies,2(6): 1-5. 27. Ramirez G A; Chalela P; Gallion K andVelez F L. (2007). Energy Balance.Feasibility Study for Latinas in Texas: AQualitative Assessment. Public HealthResearch, Practices and Policy, 4(4):1-12. 28. Robert E C. and Barry S. (2004). Sportand fitness. University of Delaware Press. United State of America. 29. Robert V. (1996). Physical Fitness thepathway to healthful living. EighthEdition. San Antonio: Mosby-year book,Inc. United State of America. 30. Roy J R; Lundy SH; Eriksen CH; BAChad and Kalicki B. Ginkgo Biloba(2009). Pennington Nutrition Series,No7. 31. Shenbagavalli A and Mary. (2008).Effect of Aerobic Training on Body MassIndex on Sedentary Obese Men. Journalof Exercise Science and Physiotherapy,4(2):125-128. 32. The Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsEvidence Analysis Library (2012). AdultWeight Management , Managing andlosing weight the healthy way. Ailable atURL: 33. National Nutrition Surveillance Centre, inpartnership with the Health ServiceExecutive (HSE), as part of the HSEFramework for Action on Obesity.(2009). The Interrelationship betweenObesity, Physical Activity, Nutrition andother Determinates. NNSC. Pages.1-26 34. Van V L; Okeyo A P; Dannhauser A andNel M. (2012). Body weight, eatingpractices and nutritional knowledgeamongst university nursing students,Eastern Cape, South Africa. Afr. J. Prm.Health Care Fam. Med., 4(1): Art.#323, 9 pages. Available at URL:

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1. Andonova Trakia (2014) .Information and awareness of the students' healthy eating . Trakia Journal of Sciences, 12(Suppl.):362-366?
2. Albassam R S; Gawwad E A; and Latifa Khanam. (2007). Weight Management Practices and their Relationship to Knowledge, Perception and Health Status of Saudi Females Attending Diet Clinics in Riyadh City. Journal of Egypt Public Health Association. 82(1 and 2):173-201.?
3. Ali HI; Baynouna L and Bernsen R M. (2010). Barriers and facilitators of weight management: Perspectives of Arab women at risk for type 2 diabetes. Health & Social Care in the Community, 2:219-28.?
4. Amini M; Janghorbani M; Walter C; Gouya M MFirst Delavari A; Alikhani S and Mahdavi A. (2007). Nationwide Survey of Prevalence of Overweight, Underweight, and Abdominal Obesity in Iranian Adults. Obesity, 15 (11):2797-808.?
5. Azizi M; Rahmani-Nia F; Malaee M and Khosravi N. A (2010). Study of Nutritional Knowledge and Attitudes of Elite College Athletes in Iran.Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity, 4(2):105-112.?
6. Benardot D (2006). Advanced SportNutrition. Second edition. Free Bundle E-book. USA.
7. Blossner M. (2005). Malnutrition,Qualifying the health impact at nationaland local levels, Global Database onChild Health and Malnutrition. WHOpublication.
8. CDC Division of Nutrition (2015).Physical Activity, and Obesity. NationalCenter for Chronic Disease Preventionand Health Promotion. Available at URL:
9. Elamin. A. (2016). Assessment ofnutritional status . Sultan QaboosUniversity. Oman.
10. Elhassan M R; Gamal H E andMohammed G S. (2013). NutritionKnowledge Attitude and Practices amongstudents of Ahfad University for Women.Indian J.Sci.Res., 4(1):25-34.
11. Sports Dieticians (2009). Fact sheet aboutFluids in Sport, sport dietitians Australia.Available at URL: uids-in-sport.pdf
12. Gallagher J. (2015). PsychologicalEffects of Fitness Advertising on FemaleCollegiate Athletes. Elon Journal ofUndergraduate Research inCommunications, 6(2):24-34.
13. Safety and Health in Arts Production andEntertainment (SHAPE) (2006). GoodNutrition for Dancers.AvailableatURL:
14. Italian Association of Dietitians (2006).Guide to food cooking methods. Memberof IOA and EFAD. Available at URL: .
15. Luettgen M; Porcari; J P; Foster R M andRodriguez-Morroyo J. (2012). Zumba:It's fun but is it effective? ACE certifiednews. pages.1-3.
16. Hussin H A. (2001). Adverse Effects ofHerbs and Drug-Herbal Interactions.Malaysian Journal of Pharmacy, 1(2):39-44.
17. Jones H; Millward P and Buraimo B.(2008). Adult participation in sportAnalysis of the Taking Part Survey.Department for Culture, Media andSport. Pages: 1-453.
18. Ljubojevi? A; Jakovljevi? V and PoprženM. (2014). Effects of zumba fitnessprogram on body composition of women.SportLogia, l0(1): 29-33.
19. Macera A C.(2010). Eating BeforePerforming, sport, cardiovascular, andwellness nutrition. American dieteticassociation. Available at URL:
20. Maheshwari R; Chauhan AK; Gupta Aand SHarma SH. Cinnamon (2013). AnImperative Spice for Human Comfort.International Journal of PharmaceuticalResearch and Bio-Science, 2(5):131-145.
21. Mahmoud RH and Elnour W. (2013).Comparative evaluation of the efficacy ofginger and orlistat on obesitymanagement, pancreatic lipase and liverperoxisomal catalase enzyme in malealbino rats . National Center forBiotechnology Information, U.S.National Library of Medicine. Pages 75-83.
22. Nieri T et al. (2015). All About HavingFun: Women's Experience of ZumbaFitness. Sociology of Sport Journal,Available at URL: workouts.html.
23. Nowak R; Jastrz?bski Z; Zar?bska A ;Bichowska M ; Kostrzewa I;Kozakiewicz D ; Radzimi?ski ? ;Leo?ska A and Ci?szczyk P. (2015).Effect of 12-week-long aerobic trainingprogramme on body composition, aerobiccapacity, complete blood count and bloodlipid profile among young womenBiochem. Med. (Zagreb), 25(1):103-13.
24. Overweight and obesity in the EasternMediterranean Region: can we control it?Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal.2004; Vol 10, No. 6.
25. Pickering R P;Bridget F Mand Chou S. P.(2007). Are overweight, Obesity, andExtreme Obesity Associated WithPsychopathology? Results from theNational Epidemiologic Survey onAlcohol and Related conditions. J. Clinic.Pychychiatry, 68 (7):998-1009.
26. Priya S and R Annadurai (2015). Effectsof Aerobic Training and Zumba Trainingon Physical Fitness Variables of MiddleAge Obese Women, International Journalof Recent Research and Applied Studies,2(6): 1-5.
27. Ramirez G A; Chalela P; Gallion K andVelez F L. (2007). Energy Balance.Feasibility Study for Latinas in Texas: AQualitative Assessment. Public HealthResearch, Practices and Policy, 4(4):1-12.
28. Robert E C. and Barry S. (2004). Sportand fitness. University of Delaware Press. United State of America.
29. Robert V. (1996). Physical Fitness thepathway to healthful living. EighthEdition. San Antonio: Mosby-year book,Inc. United State of America.
30. Roy J R; Lundy SH; Eriksen CH; BAChad and Kalicki B. Ginkgo Biloba(2009). Pennington Nutrition Series,No7.
31. Shenbagavalli A and Mary. (2008).Effect of Aerobic Training on Body MassIndex on Sedentary Obese Men. Journalof Exercise Science and Physiotherapy,4(2):125-128.
32. The Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsEvidence Analysis Library (2012). AdultWeight Management , Managing andlosing weight the healthy way. Ailable atURL:
33. National Nutrition Surveillance Centre, inpartnership with the Health ServiceExecutive (HSE), as part of the HSEFramework for Action on Obesity.(2009). The Interrelationship betweenObesity, Physical Activity, Nutrition andother Determinates. NNSC. Pages.1-26
34. Van V L; Okeyo A P; Dannhauser A andNel M. (2012). Body weight, eatingpractices and nutritional knowledgeamongst university nursing students,Eastern Cape, South Africa. Afr. J. Prm.Health Care Fam. Med., 4(1): Art.#323, 9 pages. Available at URL:
