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Cadmium is considered as a potent toxic metal to a varied variety of creatures;
the main impacts are in the development and replica process. Dissolved
cadmium salts released in drainage water from mines may represent a
significant threat to aquatic wildlife. Pollutant stress leads to significant
modification in biochemical and physiological functions in reproductively
energetic aquatic animals and further interrupt reproductive processes. In the
edible crab Scylla serrata, the protein, carbohydrate, lipid, marker enzymes
and phosphatase have been estimated in the ovary, hepatopancreas, muscle
and haemolymph during several periods of the ovarian maturation. The results
revealed that, there were declined levels of protein, carbohydrates, lipid and
phosphatase in the cadmium reared crabs when compared to the control. The
marker enzymes were augmented in the haemolymph. The observed results of
this experiment were tested statistically.
Keywords: Edible crab, Scylla serrata, cadmium, aquatic animals, Heavy

 Special Issue


1.A.B. Y?lmaz, A.Yanar, E.N. Alkan.Review of heavy metal accumulation onaquatic environment in Northern EastMediterranean Sea part I: some essentialmetals. Rev Environ Health 2017; 32(1-2): 119-163. 2.E.B. Son, K.M. Poo, J.S. Chang, K.J.Chae. Heavy metal removal fromaqueous solutions using engineeredmagnetic biochars derived from waste marine macro-algal biomass. Sci Total Environ. 2018; 615: 161-168. 3.R. Van Der Oost, J. Beyer, N.P.E.Vermeulen. Fish bioaccumulation andbiomarkers in environmental riskassessment: a review. Environ ToxicolPharmacol 2003; 13, 57-149. 4.M.D. Pavlaki, R.G. Morgado, C.A.M.Van Gestel, R.Calado, A.M.V.M. Soares,S.Loureiro. Influence of environmentalconditions on the toxicokinetics ofcadmium in the marine copepod Acartiatonsa. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2017; 145:142-149. 5.V.Kastratovic, Z.Jacimovic, M.Bigovi?,D.?urovic, S.Krivokapic. EnvironmentalStatus and geochemical assessmentSediments of Lake Skadar, Montenegro.Environ Monit Assess. 2016; 188(8):449. 6.P.S.Reddy , A.Bhagyalakshmi. Changesin oxidative metabolism in selectedtissues of the crab (Scylla serrata) inresponse to cadmium toxicity. EcotoxicolEnviron Saf. 1994; 29(3): 255-64. 7.P.S.Reddy, A.Bhagyalakshmi.Modulation of protein metabolism inselected tissues of the crab, Oziotelphusasenex senex (Fabricius), underfenvalerate-induced stress. EcotoxicolEnviron Saf. 1994; 27(2):214-9. 8.X.Xie, M.Liu, Q.Jiang, H.Zheng,L.Zheng, D.Zhu. Role of Kruppelhomolog 1 (Kr-h1) in methyl farnesoate-mediated vitellogenesis in the swimmingcrab Portunus trituberculatus. Gene.2018; 679: 260-265. 9.J.Yang, D.Liu, H.U.Dahms, L.Wang.Cadmium inhibits the vitellogenesis offreshwater crab Sinopotamon henanense.Environ Toxicol Chem. 2015; 34(7):1609-16. 10.M.Feldmannova, K.Hilscherová,B.Marsálek, L.Bláha. Effects of N-heterocyclic polyaromatic hydrocarbonson survival, reproduction, andbiochemical parameters in Daphniamagna. Environ Toxicol. 2006; 21(4):425-31. 11.M.Elumalai, M.P.Balasubramanian.Influence of naphthalene on esteraseactivity during vitellogenesis of marineedible crab, Scylla serrata. Bull EnvironContam Toxicol. 1999; 62(6): 743-8. 12.K.Vijayavel, M.P.Balasubramanian.Interaction of potash and decis in theecophysiology of a freshwater fishOreochromis mossambicus. EcotoxicolEnviron Saf. 2007; 66(2): 154-8. 13.T.Jacobo-Estrada, M.Santoyo-Sánchez,F.Thévenod, O.Barbier. CadmiumHandling, Toxicity and MolecularTargets Involved during Pregnancy:Lessons from Experimental Models. Int JMol Sci. 2017; 18(7): pii: E1590. 14.Y.Suwazono, T.Kido, H.Nakagawa,M.Nishijo, R.Honda, E.Kobayashi,M.Dochi, K.Nogawa. Biological half-lifeof cadmium in the urine of inhabitantsafter cessation of cadmium exposure.Biomarkers. 2009; 14(2): 77-81. 15.K.Vijayavel, M.P.Balasubramanian.Changes in oxygen consumption andrespiratory enzymes as stress indicatorsin an estuarine edible crab Scylla serrataexposed to naphthalene. Chemosphere.2006; 63(9): 1523-31. 16.S.Arunachalam, S.Palanichamy,M.P.Balasubramaniam. Effect of carbarylon esterases in the air breathing fishChanna punctatus (Bloch). Proc IndianAcad Sci (Anim Sci) 1995; 94(1); 43-77. 17.O.H.Lowry, N.J.Rosebrough, A.L.Farr,R.J.Randall. Protein measurement withthe Folin phenol reagent. J Biol Chem. 1951; 193(1): 265-75. 18.J.H.Roe. The determination of sugar inblood and spinal fluid with anthronereagent. J Biol Chem. 1955; 212(1): 335-43. 19.H.U.Bergmeyer, K.Gawehn, H.Klotzsch,H.A.Krebs, D.H.Williamson. Purificationand properties of crystalline3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase fromRhodopseudomonas spheroides. BiochemJ. 1967; 102(2): 423-31. 20.M.P.Balasubramanian,S.Dhandayuthapani, K.Nellaiappan,K.Ramalingam. A comparative study onesterases from three species ofRaillietina. J Helminthol. 1984; 58(2):101-5. 21.S.Ezhilarasi, T.Subramoniam. Esteraseactivity in Scylla serrata (Forskal) duringovarian development. Journal ofExperimental Marine Biology andEcology. 1984; 83(1): 1-12. 22.J.Barlow, G.J.Ridgeway. Polymorphismsof esterase isozymes in the Americanlobster Homaeus americanus. J Fish ResBd Can 1971; 28: 15-21. 23.E.C.Horn, M.S.Kerr. The hemolymphproteins of the blue crab, callinectessapidus—I. Hemocyanins and certainother major protein constituents.Comparative Biochemistry andPhysiology 1969; 29(2): 493-508. 24.G.Anilkumai, K.G.Adiyodi. The role ofeyestalk hormones in vitellogenesisduring the breeding season in the crabParatelphusa mzdrodromus (Herbst).Biol Bull 1985; 169: 689-695. 25.K.Vijayavel , M.P.Balasubramanian .Fluctuations of biochemical constituentsand marker enzymes as a consequence ofnaphthalene toxicity in the edible estuarine crab Scylla serrata. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2006; 63(1): 141-7. 26.M.Elumalai , M.P.Balasubramanian .Effect of naphthalene on carbohydratemetabolism during vitellogenesis inmarine edible crab, Scylla Serrata. BullEnviron Contam Toxicol. 1997; 59(6):989-93. 27.M.Elumalai, S.E.Balasubramanian, M.P.Balasubramanian. Influence ofnaphthalene on protein, carbohydrate,and phosphatases system during thevitellogenesis in marine edible crab,Scylla serrata. Bull Environ ContamToxicol. 1998; 60(1): 22-9. 28.Omkar. Changes in acid and alkalinephosphatase activity of a freshwaterprawn, Macrobrachium lamarrei exposedto aldrin. Ind Health. 1985;23(2):155-7. 29.K.Sujatha, S.Sangeetha, P.Senthilkumar,M.D.Gopalakrishnan. Isolation of humanpathogenic bacteria in two edible fishes,Priacanthus hamrur and Megalaspiscordyla at Royapuram waters of Chennai,India. Indian Journal of Science andTechnology 2011; 4(5):539-541. 30.D.Miller, R.K.Crane. A procedure for theisolation of the epithelial brush bordermembrane of hamster small intestine.Anal Biochem. 1961; 2: 284-6. 31.T.Adiyadi Subramonium. Arthropoda-Crustacea, In: Reproductive biology ofinvertebrates - Oogenesis, Ovipositionand Oosorption. K.G. Adiyodi and R.G.Adiyodi eds., John Wiley and Sons, NewYork. 1983; pp. 443-495. 32.R.N.Chatterjee, S.Ghosh. Transcriptionof the X chromosome in hybrids ofDrosophila melanogaster and D.simulans. Ind J Exptl Biol 1985; 23: 293-297. 33.P.Baskaran, S.Palanichamy,S.Arunachalam. Effects of textile dyeeffluent on feeding energetics, bodycomposition and oxygen consumption ofthe fresh water fish Oreochromismossambicus. J Eco Biol 1989; 1(3):203- 214. 34.S.L.Reddy, N.B.Venugopal. Fluorideinduced changes in protein metabolism inthe tissues of freshwater crabBarytelphusa guerini. Environ Pollut. 1990; 67(2): 97-108. 35.S.J.Tulasi, Rafath Yasmeen, J.V.RamanaRao. Biochemical changes in theHaemolymph of the freshwater field crab,Barytelphusa guerini on exposure toorganic and inorganic lead. J. Environ.Biol 1992; 13: 261-271. 36.Y.K.Khillare. Effect of ammoniumsulphate on oocyte development of thefish, Barbus stioma. Adv Biosci 1992;11: 75-78. 37.G.Varadaraj, M.A.Subramanian, S.JayaSuriya. Sub lethal effects of industrialeffluents on the biochemical constituentsof the haemolymph in the larva ofMacromia cingulataRambur (Anisoptera:Corduliidae) Odonatologica 1993; 22(1):89-92. 38.H.A.Harper, V.W.Rodwell, P.A.Mayer.In: Review of Physiological Chemistry17th edition. Lange Medical Publications,California 1978. 39.D.M.Dhavale, V.B.Masurekar, andB.A.Giridhar 1988. Cadmium inducedinhibition of Na + K+ ATPase activity intissues of crab, Scylla serrata (F orskal).Bull. Environ. Contam Toxicol 40: 759-763. 40.T.Srinivas, T.A.Prasad, G.M.Raffi,D.C.Reddy. Effect of atrazine on some aspects of lipid metabolism in fresh water fish. Biochem Int. 1991; 23(3): 603-9. 41.A.B.Novikoff. The cell. In: (Ed. J.Brachet and A.F. Mirsky) Pages 423,Academic press. New York. 1961. 42.Omkar and G.S.Shukla. Nature ofDichlorovos intoxication in a freshwaterprawn Macrobrachium lamarrei (H. Milne Edwards). Environmental Research 1985; 41: 591-597. 43.D.Miller, R.K.Crane. The digestivefunction of the epithelium of the intestine.I. An intracellular locus of disaccharideand sugar phosphate ester hydrolysis.Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1961; 32: 281-283.

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1.A.B. Y?lmaz, A.Yanar, E.N. Alkan.Review of heavy metal accumulation onaquatic environment in Northern EastMediterranean Sea part I: some essentialmetals. Rev Environ Health 2017; 32(1-2): 119-163.
2.E.B. Son, K.M. Poo, J.S. Chang, K.J.Chae. Heavy metal removal fromaqueous solutions using engineeredmagnetic biochars derived from waste
marine macro-algal biomass. Sci Total Environ. 2018; 615: 161-168.
3.R. Van Der Oost, J. Beyer, N.P.E.Vermeulen. Fish bioaccumulation andbiomarkers in environmental riskassessment: a review. Environ ToxicolPharmacol 2003; 13, 57-149.
4.M.D. Pavlaki, R.G. Morgado, C.A.M.Van Gestel, R.Calado, A.M.V.M. Soares,S.Loureiro. Influence of environmentalconditions on the toxicokinetics ofcadmium in the marine copepod Acartiatonsa. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 2017; 145:142-149.
5.V.Kastratovic, Z.Jacimovic, M.Bigovi?,D.?urovic, S.Krivokapic. EnvironmentalStatus and geochemical assessmentSediments of Lake Skadar, Montenegro.Environ Monit Assess. 2016; 188(8):449.
6.P.S.Reddy , A.Bhagyalakshmi. Changesin oxidative metabolism in selectedtissues of the crab (Scylla serrata) inresponse to cadmium toxicity. EcotoxicolEnviron Saf. 1994; 29(3): 255-64.
7.P.S.Reddy, A.Bhagyalakshmi.Modulation of protein metabolism inselected tissues of the crab, Oziotelphusasenex senex (Fabricius), underfenvalerate-induced stress. EcotoxicolEnviron Saf. 1994; 27(2):214-9.
8.X.Xie, M.Liu, Q.Jiang, H.Zheng,L.Zheng, D.Zhu. Role of Kruppelhomolog 1 (Kr-h1) in methyl farnesoate-mediated vitellogenesis in the swimmingcrab Portunus trituberculatus. Gene.2018; 679: 260-265.
9.J.Yang, D.Liu, H.U.Dahms, L.Wang.Cadmium inhibits the vitellogenesis offreshwater crab Sinopotamon henanense.Environ Toxicol Chem. 2015; 34(7):1609-16.
10.M.Feldmannova, K.Hilscherová,B.Marsálek, L.Bláha. Effects of N-heterocyclic polyaromatic hydrocarbonson survival, reproduction, andbiochemical parameters in Daphniamagna. Environ Toxicol. 2006; 21(4):425-31.
11.M.Elumalai, M.P.Balasubramanian.Influence of naphthalene on esteraseactivity during vitellogenesis of marineedible crab, Scylla serrata. Bull EnvironContam Toxicol. 1999; 62(6): 743-8.
12.K.Vijayavel, M.P.Balasubramanian.Interaction of potash and decis in theecophysiology of a freshwater fishOreochromis mossambicus. EcotoxicolEnviron Saf. 2007; 66(2): 154-8.
13.T.Jacobo-Estrada, M.Santoyo-Sánchez,F.Thévenod, O.Barbier. CadmiumHandling, Toxicity and MolecularTargets Involved during Pregnancy:Lessons from Experimental Models. Int JMol Sci. 2017; 18(7): pii: E1590.
14.Y.Suwazono, T.Kido, H.Nakagawa,M.Nishijo, R.Honda, E.Kobayashi,M.Dochi, K.Nogawa. Biological half-lifeof cadmium in the urine of inhabitantsafter cessation of cadmium exposure.Biomarkers. 2009; 14(2): 77-81.
15.K.Vijayavel, M.P.Balasubramanian.Changes in oxygen consumption andrespiratory enzymes as stress indicatorsin an estuarine edible crab Scylla serrataexposed to naphthalene. Chemosphere.2006; 63(9): 1523-31.
16.S.Arunachalam, S.Palanichamy,M.P.Balasubramaniam. Effect of carbarylon esterases in the air breathing fishChanna punctatus (Bloch). Proc IndianAcad Sci (Anim Sci) 1995; 94(1); 43-77.
17.O.H.Lowry, N.J.Rosebrough, A.L.Farr,R.J.Randall. Protein measurement withthe Folin phenol reagent. J Biol Chem. 1951; 193(1): 265-75.
18.J.H.Roe. The determination of sugar inblood and spinal fluid with anthronereagent. J Biol Chem. 1955; 212(1): 335-43.
19.H.U.Bergmeyer, K.Gawehn, H.Klotzsch,H.A.Krebs, D.H.Williamson. Purificationand properties of crystalline3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase fromRhodopseudomonas spheroides. BiochemJ. 1967; 102(2): 423-31.
20.M.P.Balasubramanian,S.Dhandayuthapani, K.Nellaiappan,K.Ramalingam. A comparative study onesterases from three species ofRaillietina. J Helminthol. 1984; 58(2):101-5.
21.S.Ezhilarasi, T.Subramoniam. Esteraseactivity in Scylla serrata (Forskal) duringovarian development. Journal ofExperimental Marine Biology andEcology. 1984; 83(1): 1-12.
22.J.Barlow, G.J.Ridgeway. Polymorphismsof esterase isozymes in the Americanlobster Homaeus americanus. J Fish ResBd Can 1971; 28: 15-21.
23.E.C.Horn, M.S.Kerr. The hemolymphproteins of the blue crab, callinectessapidus—I. Hemocyanins and certainother major protein constituents.Comparative Biochemistry andPhysiology 1969; 29(2): 493-508.
24.G.Anilkumai, K.G.Adiyodi. The role ofeyestalk hormones in vitellogenesisduring the breeding season in the crabParatelphusa mzdrodromus (Herbst).Biol Bull 1985; 169: 689-695.
25.K.Vijayavel , M.P.Balasubramanian .Fluctuations of biochemical constituentsand marker enzymes as a consequence ofnaphthalene toxicity in the edible estuarine crab Scylla serrata. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2006; 63(1): 141-7.
26.M.Elumalai , M.P.Balasubramanian .Effect of naphthalene on carbohydratemetabolism during vitellogenesis inmarine edible crab, Scylla Serrata. BullEnviron Contam Toxicol. 1997; 59(6):989-93.
27.M.Elumalai, S.E.Balasubramanian, M.P.Balasubramanian. Influence ofnaphthalene on protein, carbohydrate,and phosphatases system during thevitellogenesis in marine edible crab,Scylla serrata. Bull Environ ContamToxicol. 1998; 60(1): 22-9.
28.Omkar. Changes in acid and alkalinephosphatase activity of a freshwaterprawn, Macrobrachium lamarrei exposedto aldrin. Ind Health. 1985;23(2):155-7.
29.K.Sujatha, S.Sangeetha, P.Senthilkumar,M.D.Gopalakrishnan. Isolation of humanpathogenic bacteria in two edible fishes,Priacanthus hamrur and Megalaspiscordyla at Royapuram waters of Chennai,India. Indian Journal of Science andTechnology 2011; 4(5):539-541.
30.D.Miller, R.K.Crane. A procedure for theisolation of the epithelial brush bordermembrane of hamster small intestine.Anal Biochem. 1961; 2: 284-6.
31.T.Adiyadi Subramonium. Arthropoda-Crustacea, In: Reproductive biology ofinvertebrates - Oogenesis, Ovipositionand Oosorption. K.G. Adiyodi and R.G.Adiyodi eds., John Wiley and Sons, NewYork. 1983; pp. 443-495.
32.R.N.Chatterjee, S.Ghosh. Transcriptionof the X chromosome in hybrids ofDrosophila melanogaster and D.simulans. Ind J Exptl Biol 1985; 23: 293-297.
33.P.Baskaran, S.Palanichamy,S.Arunachalam. Effects of textile dyeeffluent on feeding energetics, bodycomposition and oxygen consumption ofthe fresh water fish Oreochromismossambicus. J Eco Biol 1989; 1(3):203- 214.
34.S.L.Reddy, N.B.Venugopal. Fluorideinduced changes in protein metabolism inthe tissues of freshwater crabBarytelphusa guerini. Environ Pollut. 1990; 67(2): 97-108.
35.S.J.Tulasi, Rafath Yasmeen, J.V.RamanaRao. Biochemical changes in theHaemolymph of the freshwater field crab,Barytelphusa guerini on exposure toorganic and inorganic lead. J. Environ.Biol 1992; 13: 261-271.
36.Y.K.Khillare. Effect of ammoniumsulphate on oocyte development of thefish, Barbus stioma. Adv Biosci 1992;11: 75-78.
37.G.Varadaraj, M.A.Subramanian, S.JayaSuriya. Sub lethal effects of industrialeffluents on the biochemical constituentsof the haemolymph in the larva ofMacromia cingulataRambur (Anisoptera:Corduliidae) Odonatologica 1993; 22(1):89-92.
38.H.A.Harper, V.W.Rodwell, P.A.Mayer.In: Review of Physiological Chemistry17th edition. Lange Medical Publications,California 1978.
39.D.M.Dhavale, V.B.Masurekar, andB.A.Giridhar 1988. Cadmium inducedinhibition of Na + K+ ATPase activity intissues of crab, Scylla serrata (F orskal).Bull. Environ. Contam Toxicol 40: 759-763.
40.T.Srinivas, T.A.Prasad, G.M.Raffi,D.C.Reddy. Effect of atrazine on some aspects of lipid metabolism in fresh water fish. Biochem Int. 1991; 23(3): 603-9.
41.A.B.Novikoff. The cell. In: (Ed. J.Brachet and A.F. Mirsky) Pages 423,Academic press. New York. 1961.
42.Omkar and G.S.Shukla. Nature ofDichlorovos intoxication in a freshwaterprawn Macrobrachium lamarrei (H. Milne Edwards). Environmental Research 1985; 41: 591-597.
43.D.Miller, R.K.Crane. The digestivefunction of the epithelium of the intestine.I. An intracellular locus of disaccharideand sugar phosphate ester hydrolysis.Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1961; 32: 281-283.
