Knowledge and attitude regarding COVID 19 among healthcare workers in India

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A. K. J. A. S. S. Y. S. E. . Yash Alok, Dharmendra Kumar Jha, “Knowledge and attitude regarding COVID 19 among healthcare workers in India”, ijmhs, vol. 10, no. 07, Jul. 2019.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Covid-19 has engulfed the world and involved the healthcare workers (HCWs) worldwide. So, they should have the most updated knowledge and good attitude towards the disease. Hardly there is any study which evaluates the knowledge and attitude of healthcare professionals regarding Covid-19. This study assesses knowledge and attitude toward Covid-19 among HCWs across the country.


 This was a multicentric cross-sectional study. It was performed from 10th-20th April, 2020. Convenient random sampling was used. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaire of knowledge and attitude of HCWs regarding Covid-19. Data was analysed to describe: demographic, mean knowledge and attitude score. Pearson correlation, Kruskal Wallis-H test and one way ANOVA were carried out to evaluate the relationship between study variables. Wherever required, post-hoc analysis was done using Tukey’s HSD method.


Total 458 HCWs (56.8% were senior residents/postgraduate trainee) had mean knowledge score of 14.2±1.65 and mean attitude score of 3.80±0.52. 69.4% had sufficient knowledge but lack of knowledge was seen when Covid-19 infection rate and fatality rate was compared with seasonal flu. Nearly 85% didn’t know when to screen a patient and the components of Personal Protective Equipment. Significant difference in knowledge was seen between the junior residents/MBBS and senior resident/Postgraduate trainee, between nursing/allied sciences and consultants, and between nursing/allied sciences and senior resident/postgraduate (p-value <0.001). There was positive correlation between knowledge and attitude score (r =0.111, p =0.019).


Most HCWs had good knowledge and positive attitude but there were few lacunas. More frequent educational training programmes are required to overcome this chasm.  


Keywords Covid 19, Knowledge and attitude, Pandemic

 Special Issue

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