An Analytical retrospective study of CT Severity scores among COVID Vaccinated subjects

  • Dr. Rajendra Bhojwani
  • Dr Ramesh Jain
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D. R. . Bhojwani and D. R. Jain, “An Analytical retrospective study of CT Severity scores among COVID Vaccinated subjects ”, ijmhs, vol. 11, no. 06, Apr. 2022.
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Introduction: The role of HRCT scan in making a diagnosis of COVID-19 has been emphasized as being a problem-solving modality in patients with complications, diagnostic dilemmas, and poor response to therapy. This study aims to observe for any difference in CT severity scores in COVID-19 patients or suspects amongst vaccinated and non-vaccinated cases.


Methods: This was a Retrospective Analytical  study of 400 subjects . The vaccine status was noted for each case. The HRCT study was reported, and CT severity score allotted by experienced radiologists. These subjects were divided into three age categories, 18–44, 45–59 and ≥60 years. The data for each case was then tabulated in an Excel spreadsheet. Medians of the scores in different age groups were compared amongst vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals The results were finally evaluated with help of various statistical tests.

Results: The mean age was 45.72 ±13.38 years The  mean  CT severity score was 7.64 ± 4.81. 53% were in the age group of 18–44 years, (26%) were in the age group of 45– 59 years, & 21% were in the age group ≥60 years. The difference in the medians amongst the vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups was significant, p-values being < 0.001 in all age categories.

Conclusion: The difference in median CT-SS amongst vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals was significant. Pair-wise comparison of median CT-SS revealed significant difference between vaccinated (1 and 2 doses) and non-vaccinated subjects.


Key Word : CT Severity score , HRCT , COVID -19 , Vaccine

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