Retina Fácil: Mobile Application as a Learning Facilitator and Fundoscopy Capture During Practical Ophthalmology Training
- Davi Lucena Machado
- Lucas Cruz Furtado
- Manuela Freitas Ferreira Lima
- Juliana de Lucena Martins Ferreira
- Marcia Benevides Damasceno
- Marcos Kubrusly
Davi Lucena Machado
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Lucas Cruz Furtado
Centro Universitario Christus
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Manuela Freitas Ferreira Lima
Centro Universitario Christus
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Juliana de Lucena Martins Ferreira
Centro Universitario Christus
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Marcia Benevides Damasceno
Centro Universitario Christus
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Marcos Kubrusly
Centro Universitario Christus
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Cite this:
D. Lucena Machado, L. Cruz Furtado, M. Freitas Ferreira Lima, J. de Lucena Martins Ferreira, M. Benevides Damasceno, and M. Kubrusly, “Retina Fácil: Mobile Application as a Learning Facilitator and Fundoscopy Capture During Practical Ophthalmology Training”, ijmhs, vol. 15, no. 02, pp. 2147–2151, Feb. 2025.
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