Non-rotation of Midgut - a case report with Embryology and Review of literature

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N. M, “Non-rotation of Midgut - a case report with Embryology and Review of literature”, ijmhs, vol. 4, no. 2, Apr. 2014.
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Nonrotation of gut a subtype of Malrotation is an anomaly of intestinal rotation which is most often asymptomatic or incidental finding. Its incidence is 1 in 500 live births and has been described in 0.5 % autopsies. In intestinal nonrotation, the small bowel is located predominantly on the right side within the peritoneal cavity and the colon is located on the left side.During routine dissection for undergraduate teaching the nonrotation of midgut was found and studied in detail. Location of appendicitis pain, Midgut volvulus & small bowel obstruction with necrosis are common complications of nonrotation of midgut. Because of its rare presentation, embryological perspectives and its complications the case was presented.


Key words: Nonrotation, Malrotation, Midgut volvulus, appendicitis

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