Assessment of Postnatal Depression among mothers following delivery in rural area of Wardha District: A cross sectional study

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N. Dhande, M. Khapre, S. Nayak, and A. Mudey, “Assessment of Postnatal Depression among mothers following delivery in rural area of Wardha District: A cross sectional study”, ijmhs, vol. 4, no. 2, Apr. 2014.
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Background: Postnatal depression represents a considerable health problem affecting women and their families.  Recent studies, shows postnatal depression have a substantial impact on mother–baby interactions, longer-term emotional and cognitive development of the baby, especially when depression occurs in the first postnatal year of life. It is now considered a major health concern for women from diverse cultures.

Objectives: To find out prevalence of postnatal depression among mothers following delivery and to study factors responsible among participants.

Methods: Community based cross-sectional study conducted in Seloo village, which is field practice area of Jawaharlal Nehru medical college, Wardha. Mothers were interviewed using EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) and Multidimensional scale questionnaire with cut of score of 12 for EPDS

Results: 24% of mothers were found to be chronically depressed at 6 months after childbirth with mean age 24.34 years and 53% have monthly income less than 5000 rupees. Economic deprivation and poor marital relationships were important risk factors for the occurrence and chronicity of depression.

Conclusion: Analyses show that there is a strong interaction among many risk factors, such as economic deprivation, and the infant’s gender.


Keywords: Postnatal Depression, Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, women’s health

 Special Issue


1. Cooper PJ, Campbell EA, Day A, Kennerley H,m Bond A. Non-psychotic psychiatric disorder after childbirth. A prospective study of prevalence, incidence, course and nature. British Journal of Psychiatry 1988; 152:799–806. 2. Kumar R, Robson KM. A prospective study of emotional disorders in childbearing women. British Journal of Psychiatry 1984; 144:35–47. 3. Cox JL, Murray D, Chapman G. A controlled study of the onset, duration and prevalence of postnatal depression. British Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 163:27–31. 4. Posmontier B, Horowitz JA. Postpartum practices and depression prevalence’s: Technocentric and ethnokinship cultural perspectives. Journal of Transcultural Nursing .2004.15: 34–43. 5. Pillsbury BLK. ‘Doing the month’: Confinement and convalescence in Chinese 0women after childbirth. Social Science and Medicine Journal .1978.12: 11–22. 6. Husain N, Tomenson B, Creed F .Depression and social stress in Pakistan. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine .2000.30: 395–402. 7. Husain N, I. Bevc. Prevalence and social correlates of postnatal depression in a low income country. Archieves of Women’s Mental Health Journal.2006.0129-9. 8. Ghosh A, Goswami S. Evaluation of Post Partum Depression in a Tertiary Hospital. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India .2011. 61(5):528–530. 9. Kosin´ska-Kaczyn´ska K, Horosz E, Wielgos´ M, et al. Affective disorders in the first week after the delivery: prevalence and risk factors. Official Journal of the Polish Gynaecological Society.2008;79:182-5

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1. Cooper PJ, Campbell EA, Day A, Kennerley H,m Bond A. Non-psychotic psychiatric disorder after childbirth. A prospective study of prevalence, incidence, course and nature. British Journal of Psychiatry 1988; 152:799–806.
2. Kumar R, Robson KM. A prospective study of emotional disorders in childbearing women. British Journal of Psychiatry 1984; 144:35–47.
3. Cox JL, Murray D, Chapman G. A controlled study of the onset, duration and prevalence of postnatal depression. British Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 163:27–31.
4. Posmontier B, Horowitz JA. Postpartum practices and depression prevalence’s: Technocentric and ethnokinship cultural perspectives. Journal of Transcultural Nursing .2004.15: 34–43.
5. Pillsbury BLK. ‘Doing the month’: Confinement and convalescence in Chinese 0women after childbirth. Social Science and Medicine Journal .1978.12: 11–22.
6. Husain N, Tomenson B, Creed F .Depression and social stress in Pakistan. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine .2000.30: 395–402.
7. Husain N, I. Bevc. Prevalence and social correlates of postnatal depression in a low income country. Archieves of Women’s Mental Health Journal.2006.0129-9.
8. Ghosh A, Goswami S. Evaluation of Post Partum Depression in a Tertiary Hospital. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India .2011. 61(5):528–530.
9. Kosin´ska-Kaczyn´ska K, Horosz E, Wielgos´ M, et al. Affective disorders in the first week after the delivery: prevalence and risk factors. Official Journal of the Polish Gynaecological Society.2008;79:182-5
