Testing The Reliability Of The Scale Of The Employee Job Satisfaction Of Vietcombank In Can Tho City

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Trang, T. T. K., & Nga, T. K. (2016). Testing The Reliability Of The Scale Of The Employee Job Satisfaction Of Vietcombank In Can Tho City. Journal of Business Management and Economics, 4(5), 57–61. https://doi.org/10.15520/jbme.2016.vol4.iss5.195.pp57-61
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Like all businesses, the commercial bank is also an enterprise as a "special enterprise", so banks also exist the ultimate goal is achieve profit. Therefore, the banks also find out many measures to provide products and services with high quality to meet benefits for customers. With the price and the best competition cost, besides ensuring the accuracy, reliability and the most convenient to attract customers as well as expand market share to achieve the highest profit possible for bank.

Job satisfaction is an indicator of how well a person is doing his or her job. Human resource management is an important aspect of an organization. Success and failure of an organization depends mostly on the performance of employees. Job satisfaction is obviously an important factor for all organizations. The research results showed that there were 250 employees of VCB that interviewed and answered about 26 questions. The researcher had analyzed KMO test, the result of KMO analysis used for multiple regression analysis. The research results were processed from SPSS 20.0 software. The parameters of the model estimated by Least - Squares Method tested for the model assumption with 5% significance level.

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