Innovation And Knowledge In Creation Of Enterpreunership And Global Competitiveness Of European Union

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PUÅšLECKI, Z. W. (2014). Innovation And Knowledge In Creation Of Enterpreunership And Global Competitiveness Of European Union. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 3(03), 32–41.
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The main aim of the paper is analysis of the  innovation and knowledge in creation of enterpreunership and global competitiveness of the European Union especially against USA and Japan and also BRICSAM countries. To the particular goals of the research belong the presentation of the innovation system in the creation of competitiveness, the innovation system and innovation process at the level of the region, constructed advantage, the Triple Helix model,Europe 2020  strategy and Innovation Union and Horizon 2020 as the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union. The important results of the research is the conclusion that in the innovation process also in the European Union very important are the connection between science, market (industry) and government. There is positive dependence between innovation activity and effectiveness of the innovation process. The more interaction and cooperation it can observe on the regional level than on the state. The new programme of the scientific and innovation research Europe 2020 and Innovation Union are very important factors of the increase of enterpreunership and global competitiveness of the  European Union.

Innovation And Knowledge In Creation Of  Enterpreunership And Global Competitiveness Of European Union

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