An Investigation into Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions amongst Engineers in Gauteng

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Shamila Singh, S. F. (2017). An Investigation into Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions amongst Engineers in Gauteng. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 5(06), 121–133.
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The study of job satisfaction is central to the behaviour of employees within an organisation. The organisation under study noted an increasing record of engineers that keep coming back to request Progressive International to replace them with another organisation. The study aims to establish job satisfaction amongst engineers and its impact of turnover intention in Gauteng region.  Findings from the primary study concluded that the variables that influence job satisfaction and ultimately turnover intentions included recognition, opportunities for career growth, pay, the size of the organisation, and demographic variables such as age, gender and educational qualifications continuously predict turnover intentions. The results also revealed that the level of job satisfaction plays a significant role in the turnover intentions of an employee. It is recommended that organisations should involve employees in key strategic decision making processes of how best to improve the job satisfaction levels of engineers who are often a scarce skill in South Africa. There is need for continuous involvement and participation of employees in decision making regarding the maintenance of job satisfaction levels

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