Influence of Store Music on Purchase Intention: A study on apparel retail stores in Coimbatore city

  • K. Saranya Dr. Jelince Dhinakar A
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Dr. Jelince Dhinakar A, K. S. (2017). Influence of Store Music on Purchase Intention: A study on apparel retail stores in Coimbatore city. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 6(06).
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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Music is described as one of the wonderful tools that touch the souls of human beings. It is capable of changing the mind-set and thus impacts the customers purchasing decision. The present research is aimed to study the influence of apparel retail store music on purchase intention. It is purely based on the primary data which were collected through a structured questionnaire/interview schedule. Convenience sampling technique is used to collect the required data from 168 customers in Coimbatore city. ANOVA and Pearson co-efficient of correlation have been used apart from descriptive statistics. The result of the study indicates that statistically, the different demographic characters do not influence the level of perception of apparel retail store music in the study area. Further, the study shows that there is a relationship between the levels of perception of retail apparel store music on purchase intention among the sample customers.

Keywords: Store Atmospherics, Music, Purchase intention, consumer behavior, Apparel Store.

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