Impact of Demographics and Perceptions of Investors on Investment Avenues

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Khyati Shetty, G. B. (2017). Impact of Demographics and Perceptions of Investors on Investment Avenues. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 6(01).
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The primary purpose of this study is to investigate how investment choice gets affected by the demographics and perceptions of the investor. Investor’s behavior is influenced by many factors at the time of investment decision making. Demographic profile and perceptions play an important role to select a particular choice of investment. This paper helps to enhance the knowledge on difference investment avenues like bank deposits, life insurance policies, mutual funds and equity which in turn will be highly useful to the financial advisors as it will help them advise their clients regarding these avenues with respect to their demographic profiles. The study also highlights the evidences that the investment choice depends on and is affected by the demographic variables and perceptions.However, the results of this research shows that most investors have little knowledge on the investment avenuesfor their investments.Mann Whiteny ‘U’ test, Kruskal- Wallis has been conducted to test the hypotheses with the help of SPSS. Wealth Managements professionals emphasize that customer behavior and psychology play a vital role in successfully building and sustaining a Wealth Management relationship. Behavioral finance is new emerging science which focuses on understanding how psychology affects investment decision.

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