E banking strategies and consumers perception towards accepting internet banking a secondary approach

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Aniket Agnihotri, R. (2015). E banking strategies and consumers perception towards accepting internet banking a secondary approach. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 4(04), 68–76. https://doi.org/10.15520/ijbm.vol4.iss4.28.pp68-76
© 2022 Interactive Protocols
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In the present scenario, the consumer is now becoming more technology savvy because most of the youth as a consumer demands more for less, thus saving time, money and energy.   In this paper, we try to study private banking e-strategies and how they affect the consumers’ perceived trust. It is a descriptive research study based on the extant literature. We explore and arrive at an urgent need for developing an extended Technological Acceptance Model. This paper attempts to study and explore the Consumer awareness towards accepting a new technology following Davis et al (1989) TAM model based on the extant literature research study. This research aspires to better understand the consumers by examining their awareness in a utilitarian and hedonic service context in order to provide valuable knowledge of consumers’ awareness of various service aspects and to suggest guidelines for practical implementation. However, previous researches on electronic banking have not fully and thoroughly addressed the characteristics and awareness of electronic banking users.

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