Effect of Yoga on Conscientiousness and Performance of Employees: An Action Research Study

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K.B.Akhilesh, H.R.Nagendra, C. S. K. (2015). Effect of Yoga on Conscientiousness and Performance of Employees: An Action Research Study. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 4(03), 45–51. https://doi.org/10.15520/ijbm.vol4.iss3.22.pp45-51
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Development of performance of employee is an important concern for employee, employer and society at large. In this study an important personality trait viz., conscientiousness, it’s importance in the performance of employee and impact of practice of integrated yoga on personality and performance of employee are studied. 51 employees are given Integrated Yoga intervention and another 51 employees, who comprise control group are not given any intervention for 4 months. Using the Big Five Personality Questionnaire, data about Conscientiousness is collected from Yoga intervention group and control group before the study, in the middle of the study and at the end of the study. The data is analysed using SPSS and significant increase (p value <0.001) in conscientiousness among subjects in Yoga intervention group is found and not in Control group. So it is concluded that practice of Integrated Yoga improves the Conscientiousness and thus performance of employee.

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