An Analysis on Financing Methods

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Shala, X. (2018). An Analysis on Financing Methods. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 4(01). Retrieved from
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In order to achieve sustainability the Kosovo Cadastral Agency (KCA) could propose and follow various financing methods. This paper presents the current and other optional financing methods of the Agency. The main focus will be on the new method of self-financing.
This represents a method that has had applicability across a lot of other nations; hence I believe through this study to empower the thinking to follow this method by explaining its pros and cons.

KCA is a well established organization, however, it needs further improvement and institutional changes to meet current development challenges. Municipal officials are selected, funded and managed by municipalities that are by different political party. Development plans are created depending on the political entity that manages the municipality, which shows that cadastral service does not depend on central development policy created by the KCA, but depends on policies and municipal developing plans that are not unique to the country level. This type of land governance undermines sustainability of land administration system and creates disproportional treatment and discrepancy in development through financing of the services by the Municipal budget and support from the Kosovo budget as well.

The Kosovo experience as well as the experience of other European Union countries demonstrates that the cadastral activity should be managed vertically and using incomes from the fees of provided services. This way of organization has proved to provide better development, sustainable financing, create functional organization and reliable service for the inventory of real property, having in consideration for investment in accordance with principle of self financing using current fees approved from the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning in Kosovo.

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