JBME Validación Multivariante de un Instrumento de la Calidad de Vida Laboral Multivariant Validation of an Instrument for the Quality of Work Life

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Arrieta-Díaz, D. (2018). JBME Validación Multivariante de un Instrumento de la Calidad de Vida Laboral Multivariant Validation of an Instrument for the Quality of Work Life. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 7(02). Retrieved from https://innovativejournal.in/index.php/ijbm/article/view/2107
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At present, there has been a growing interest in improving the quality of working life  between businessmen, administrators, the government and the employees themselves.

The objective of the research was to determine the validation of an instrument that measures the perception of quality of work life through multivariate analysis. The instrument had 70 items that identified the workers' appreciation with respect to 15 dimensions, through the Likert-type scale, 82 surveys were randomly applied in different organizations during the year 2017.

The results of the validation indicate that: The global reliability of Conbrach's alpha was 0.952; The Pearson Correlation established that the strongest correlation was participation and extrinsic motivation, job satisfaction and remuneration, morality and extrinsic motivation and the dimensions with less correlation, direction and remuneration, direction and health, remuneration and health, communication and security, communication and health motivation with equity and remuneration, intrinsic motivation and health.

The total variance explained is expressed in two factors: safety and conditions of work rotated and occupational health; in relation to the analysis of main components, a new variable was identified and it was called the Quality of Work Life Index.

As for the communalities, it is verified that job satisfaction and remuneration explain the greater proportion of the variance. And the rotated components show that there are 3 dimensions that converge remuneration, job satisfaction and extrinsic motivation.

It is concluded that based on the multivariate analysis the instrument is valid to be used in other research, both in private, public and educational organizations.

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