Earnings management, the influence of size, indebtedness and performance: The case of Moroccan listed companies

  • BAGHAR Nezha
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Nezha, B. (2019). Earnings management, the influence of size, indebtedness and performance: The case of Moroccan listed companies. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 8(01), 28–41. Retrieved from https://innovativejournal.in/index.php/ijbm/article/view/2429
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This study attempts to contribute to the research literature in the field of management of earnings results and how it is put into practice by Moroccan listed companies. The main question that the paper attempted to investigate is whether these companies’ managers use accounting results management in an opportunistic way. The study was conducted on a sample of 54 companies on the Casablanca Stock Exchange between 2014 and 2016.The findings indicate that the guarantee of a stock market valuation to influence investors’ decisions is not at the heart of results management in Moroccan listed companies. Nevertheless, the importance of the size factor and the satisfaction of the conditions imposed by the creditors to justify the level of the discretionary behavior of the managers in terms of accounting and financial information are noteworthy.

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