Application of Inter-firm Information Systems in Supply Chain Management

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Md . Hasnain Ahamad, Md.Shariful Islam, Md. Tanvin Hossain Ovi. (2019). Application of Inter-firm Information Systems in Supply Chain Management. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 8(12). Retrieved from
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The objective of this study was to identify the drivers to use inter-firm information systems (IS) in Supply Chain Management (SCM). For conducting this study, required primary data were collected from 10 business organizations in order to achieve the objectives of this study. It was found that proposed three categories such as transaction processing, supply chain planning and collaboration, and order tracking and delivery coordination represent well the different types of inter-firm IS uses in SCM. It was also found that the drivers behind these different categories of inter-firm IS use differ from organization to organization; different purposes for which inter-firm IS can be used in the management of supply chains are demonstrated. It also contributed to the extant knowledge on the factors that drive business organizations to use IS in specific ways in their SCM activities.
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Information Systems, Inter-firm.

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