The Relationships between Online Customer Engagement Value and Electronic Customer Relationship Management Effectiveness of Mobile Games

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Kuo Ming Chu. (2020). The Relationships between Online Customer Engagement Value and Electronic Customer Relationship Management Effectiveness of Mobile Games. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 9(08), 238–245. Retrieved from
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In spite of its ever-increasing popularity with firms and consumers, a lot of organizations
are not even sure how to utilize online social media effectively in a mobile game
context. This study proposes a formative construct of online customer engagement
value and analyzes the effect of its Electronic Customer Relationship Management
(E-CRM), its effectiveness and antecedents in mobile games on online community
sites. In this study, 791 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed by players
who actually operated “mobile games” and continued to use them; AMOS was used
for statistical analysis. The research results show that the online customer engagement
value and its antecedents have a positive impact on the E-CRM effectiveness. Significantly,
the interactivity offered by E-CRM communication’s new channels further
permits firms to engage in dialogue, solicit feedback, react to controversies and maintain
long term customer relationships. For effective online communities’ use, builders
may consider two main issues: E-CRM strategy and online customer engagement behaviors
to accumulate and reinforce profitable customer relationships.
Key words: Mobile Games–Customer Engagement Value–Electronic Customer Relationship
Management (E-CRM) Effectiveness–Value Co-creating

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