Total Quality Management Practices and Organizational Commitment of Employees in Palm Oil Plantation

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Donald Cyndyl L. Miguel. (2021). Total Quality Management Practices and Organizational Commitment of Employees in Palm Oil Plantation. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 10(04). Retrieved from
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This study was conducted to identify the domain of total quality management practices that best influences organizational commitment of employees in palm oil plantation in Trento Agusan del Sur. The study employed a quantitative, non-experimental research design employing correlation technique. A total of 138 personnel were surveyed utilizing the complete enumeration technique. The primary tool for data collection was a structured questionnaire following a 5-point Likert-type scale. The data gathered were subjected to statistical analyses through the use of Mean, Pearson’s r and regression. Results of the study indicate that the level of Total Quality Management practices and organizational commitment is very high. Further, findings show that TQM practices is significantly correlated with commitment. When regressed, it was found that only supplier quality management and system and processes of TQM influence organizational commitment. Between the two, the supplier quality management domain best influences TQM practices.


Keywords: business administration, total quality management practices, organizational commitment, palm oil plantation, correlation, regression, Philippines

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