Choices in front of Former 22-weeker with persistent candidemia for 38 days

  • Mohit Jain Roopali Chaudhary Nitin Kumar
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M. J. R. C. Nitin Kumar, “Choices in front of Former 22-weeker with persistent candidemia for 38 days”, ijmhs, vol. 6, no. 5, Sep. 2016.
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Candida infection is common and fatal in premature infants especially when it is persistent candidemia. It is very important to treat the primary source/focus of candida infection. Sometimes it becomes hard in clinical practice to do so, which causes a lot of morbidity and mortality to infants with this condition. The author’s report a former 22-weeker girl who developed the thrombocytopenia and increased oxygen demand during the NICU stay and blood was cultured which came positive for C. parasilopsis. Culture remained positive for C. parasilopsis in spite of giving appropriate antifungal due to infected thrombus in Inferior Vena Cava (IVC). We had to consider fragility and morbidities of the former 22-weeker into account while Managing the infected thrombus. The baby survived even with maximum number of reported days persistent candidemia by achieving negative blood culture after some time.

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