
Sports clubs produce club goods and members have mutual benefits from sharing productions costs, mem-bers’ characteristics, and excludable benefits (Cornes & Sandler, 1986; Downward et al.,2009). Sharing members’ characteristics means that members of sports clubs have a common interest regarding the sports programs at the club (Horch, 1992; Nagel, 2008).

In German non-profit sports clubs, memberships are based on partnership agreements whereby members agree to have their resources (e.g, membership fees) pooled in order to share productions costs. This is more efficient for members than organizing sports on their own (Downward et al., 2009). In contrast to customers of for-profit sports providers (e.g., fitness centers), members are not only consumers, but concurrently they are producers, financiers, and decision-makers of the sports programs (Horch, 1992). Excludable benefits means that only the members of the club have the right to use the sports programs. Through paying the membership fee, they obtain a general usage right of the club’s sports programs, which is typical for club goods (Pamela Wicker, 2011).

According to David and Năstase (2012), quality of life “is an evaluative concept, which is defined by setting the living conditions and the activities making up human life against human needs, values, and aspirations.” In other words, individuals can influence their quality of life, if by that we mean strictly the main features of their way of life, those feature being determined by the way in which they spend their recreational time.

There are many studies that have highlighted the role of sports activities in influencing the body’s health status (Lindström, 2011), and the importance of those activities in the socialization of the younger generation (Min and Jin, 2010). As we all know, all societies are dependent on their members, on their intelligence and creativity, on their overall progress. The quality of each individual’s upbringing, development and education are in close relation with the way in which they spend their recreational time, and in that context sports activities can be genuine sources of health and energy for future activities.

“For the spare time, recreational sports are the most ideal activities that can adjust body states, driving the harmonious development of bodies and minds. … Compared with other recreational activities, recreational sports activities can help recreational subjects realize the unification and harmony of bodies and minds, which is more in accord with the leisure subjects’ requirements in modern society” (Li and Gao, 2008).

Participation in sport has become highly valued by governments and policymakers. In addition to its physical health benefits, it is often seen as an activity that has a positive social integrative function. It is not surprising that local and national governments with a diverse population have policies and programs that encourage the participation of populations that are underrepresented or marginalized in sport. In many countries sport participation is possible primarily under the auspices of voluntary sport organizations, many of which name demographic diversity as an organizational value (Ramón. S, et al , 2019).

The quality of life is an assessment concept, being the resultant of life conditions and of the activities which compose the human life related to the necessities, values, human goals, which refer to global evaluation of life (how good, satisfying is the life which different people, social groups, collectivizes live) as well as to the assessment of different conditions and areas of life, like environment, work conditions, interpersonal relations, family life (Păunescu. M, et al, 2013). The importance of this paper derives from the multitude of information with scientific character regarding the approach of life quality through the effects of practicing recreational sport club in the free time which peoples nowadays have.

Le Q.P, et al (2017); Yeop K.S, Hoon Y.J, (2009) argue that recreational sport activities bring to people not only physical health, but they bring them confidence health and social health.

To improve physical health, confidence, healthy entertainment for participants of recreational sports clubs, and prevent social evils at university students and help students have a place for healthy communication, play sports and entertainment. The model of recreational sports club that the author has built, demonstrates the effectiveness of the physical health development of participants, through 12 criteria (Dao Chanh Thuc(a), 2019), At the same time, it also brings about the confidence, social health of the sports club participants.

Material and method

The study was carried out through a number of methods, namely research synthesis and evaluation of related documents, method of sociological investigation, modeling, pedagogical, medical and psychological testing, monk experiments and mathematical statistics (Dao Chanh Thuc(a,b), 2019).

Material: 131 students of An Giang University, Vietnam participated on the research team.

+ Experimental Group :

- 64 students (32 males and 32 females) - Recreational sport club (club 1-GYM Minh Khoi)

- 67 students (32 males and 35 females) - Recreational sport club (club 2-Karate)

Research Results

In this research tool, the survey form - sociological survey, for contents examining the influence factor of members when participating in RSC activities, because this is a question of behavior/attitude and answered according to Liker 5 levels (from 1 to 5 corresponding to the degree of not affecting influence very much): “5 = Strongly agree; 4 = Most agree; 3 = Disagree; 2 = Strongly disagree; 1 = No comments” (Dao Chanh Thuc(a), 2019).

The author used the Internal Consistent Reliability Analysis method to eliminate unreliable factors in the survey form.

+ Evaluation of the confidence and social health benefits of members participating in the built recreational sports clubs.

Results of assessment of confidence and social health benefits and related issues, the benefit factor of "Confidence" is the most chosen factor with an average value of 3.97, "Physical health promotion" is the second highest benefit for participants with an average value of 3.92, followed by " Relax" factor, and two factors "Reduce stress", "Reduce stress and anxiety" is located four and five. In addition, the benefits of "Friendly in social relations" are also highly appreciated by members with the average value of 3.56, and other benefit factors that bring to members when participating in the RSC activities are submitted (Dao Chanh Thuc & Huynh Trong Khai, 2019).

+ Evaluating the satisfaction level of RSC service system and related issues at RSC built

This content examines the survey sample to study the satisfaction level of members in two experimental groups of GYM club (n = 64), Karate club (n = 67) on the contents of "facilities"; "Quality of operation", and related issues of RSC participants. The analytical results showed that the members participated in two types of RSC developed and tested, the highest evaluation of the factor "Satisfaction with current facilities" with the average value of 4.72 (corresponding to agree to very agreed). The next most appreciated factors are "Quality works well" with averaged value 4.12, "Good form and quality of entertainment for members" with average value 4.01, " The cost of club activities can increase with higher quality, better form " with the average value of 3.88," There should be more recreational sports clubs for students "with the averaged value of 3.01 presented in Table 1 and Figure 1 below.

Table 1 Evaluating the satisfaction level of RSC service system
Satisfied with current facilities 131 4.72 1.02
Quality works well 131 4.12 1.12
Good form and quality of entertainment for members 131 4.01 1.06
The cost of club activities can increase with higher quality, better form 131 3.88 1.21
There should be more recreational sports clubs for students 131 3.01 .981

In general, the majority of RSC members' evaluations have built their satisfaction with " Satisfaction with current facilities ", "Quality works well " and " Good form and quality of entertainment for members". Only the factor "There should be more recreational sports clubs for students" with average value 3.88 corresponding to the viewpoint of disagreeing and agreeing. This proves that few of the members are anxious to raise the cost of RSC services.

Figure 1 Membership satisfaction of RSC's current service

+ The increase in revenue in 2 types of RSC at 10/2017 and 10/2018.

Through the statistics of operating revenue of two types of RSC, as of October 2017 compared to October 2018, with a 20% discount compared to the market, is shown in theTable 2 below

Table 2 Turnover of 2 RSC at October 2017 and October 2018
Sale 20% Revenue / month Sale 20% Revenue / month W%
October 2017 October 2018
RSC 1 83 X 120,000vnđ 9,960,000vnđ 120 X 136,000vnđ 16,320,000vnđ 48.40
RSC 2 87 X 70,000vnđ 6,090,000vnđ 111 X 88,000vnđ 9,768,000vnđ 46.39

Through Table 2 , it can be seen that the two types of RSC activities have been built, bringing about significant efficiency, not only bringing about the benefits of physical health, confidence and social health benefits (Dao Chanh Thuc & Huynh Trong Khai, 2019). But it brings economic efficiency to the operating unit. Specifically, the revenue was recorded at the time of October 2017, for Club GYM brought to the unit is 9,960,000 VND; Karate Club 6,090,000 VND. By 10/2018, the number of revenue increased significantly with Club GYM brought to the unit VND 16,320,000; Karate Club 9,768,000 VND. Show that the investment and understanding of the unit's needs for RSCs in each stage of this type of business is reasonable.

In summary, considering the growth rate of relatively high revenue with Club GYM is 48.40% and Karate Club 46.39%, showing that the RSC service business in these two types tends to increase significantly, next year higher than the previous year, proving that business activities are increasingly developing are presented in the Figure 2 below.

Figure 2 Comparison of revenue of 2 types of RSC at October 2017 and 2018

Conclusion and Discussion

The study has confirmed that research and models of recreational sports clubs are appropriate and effective for the physical development of students a University, through actual test results. Results of assessment of 12 criteria for physical health, strength and physiology of members join RSC during one year of experience (Dao Chanh Thuc(a), 2019). At the same time it brings many other benefits such as Confidence, Physical health promotion, Relax, Reduce stress, Reduce stress and anxiety, Friendly in social relations, Fight disease, Beauty or slimming, Improve work efficiency, Receive love and share, Enjoy and cheerful, Due to the appeal of sports, the influence of famous athletes,... for RSC participants (Dao Chanh Thuc & Huynh Trong Khai, 2019).

The results of this study have confirmed that RSC brings physical health (Dao Chanh Thuc(a), 2019), confidence, social health to RSC participants (Dao Chanh Thuc & Huynh Trong Khai, 2019), besides it also brings satisfaction and interest in facilities and equipment for participants. It also brings high economic value to RSC. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17


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