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The aim of this study is to determine the factors affecting the level of compassion and
the compassion levels of professionals candidates. The population of this study
consisted of 1382 students from Nutrition and Dietetics, Child Development,
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Nursing and Health Management. “Demographic
Information Form” which was developed by researchers in the literature and
Compassion Scale developed by Pommier (2011) and also adapted to Turkish by
Akdeniz and Deniz (2016) which able to measure compassion towards others was used
as a data collection tool. In the study, 34.7% of the professional health candidates were
in the Nutrition and Dietetics Department, 33% were 20 years old and 78.7% were
women. The mean score of the Compassion Scale of all students was 4.22 ± 0.24. There
was a statistically significant difference (p <.05) between the scores of the first grade to
the last grade. A statistically significant difference was found in terms of indifference,
seperation, mindfulness, disengagement sub-dimensions and general compassion scale
scores. It was determined that compassion levels of health professionals candidates
differed in terms of gender, class and income status. In light of the findings obtained, it
can be explained in the lessons as a subject of compassion for the awareness of the
emotions that will affect the feelings of compassion of the students of the health sciences
faculty who will be health professionals of the future.
Keywords: Compassion; Health Professionals; Compassionate Health Care

 Special Issue


1.Potter PA, Perry AG, Stockert PA, HallAM. 2013. Fundamentals of Nursing:Nursing Today. 8th ed. St.LouisMissouri, Elsevier Mosby 1-13. 2.Bray L, O'Brien MR, Kirton J, ZubairuK, Christiansen A. 2014. The Role ofProfessional Education in DevelopingCompassionate Practitioners: A MixedMethods Study Exploring thePerceptions of Health Professionals andPre-Registration Students. NurseEducation Today 34:480-486. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2013.06.017. 3.Bloomfield J, Pegram A. 2015. Care,Compassion and Communication.Nursing Standard 29(25): 45-50.doi:10.7748/ns.29.25.45.e7653 4.Perez-Bret E., Altisent R., Rocafort J.2016. Definition of Compassion inHealthcare: A Systematic LiteratureReview. International Journal ofPalliative Nursing 22:599-606.doi:10.12968/ijpn.2016.22.12.599 5.Polat FN, Erdem R. 2017. TheRelat?onsh?p Between the Level ofCompass?on Fat?gue and Qual?ty ofProfess?onal Life: The Case of MedicalProfessionals, Master’s Thesis.Suleyman Demirel University Journalof Institute of Social Sciences 26(1):291-312. 6.Adam D, Taylor R. 2014;Compassionate care: Empoweringstudents through nurse education. NurseEducation Today 34:1242-1245. doi:10.1016/j.nedt. 7.Bety A. Lown vd., 2011; “An Agendafor Improving Compassionate Care: aSurvey Shows About Half of PatientsSay Such Care is Missing”, Health Aff(Millwood), USA 2011 30 (9): 1772–1778. 8.Cingel M. 2009. Compassion andProfessional Care: Exploring TheDomain. Nursing Philosophy: 10:124-136. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-769X.2009.00397.x 9.Scott, J. F. 2017. “Partnership wihtPatients and Families in Healtcare”, 10.Dietze E. V. & Orb A. 2000.Compassionate Care: A MoralDimension of Nursing, Nursing Inquiry7(3): 166-174 11.Eric B. L. & Xin Y. 2005. “ClinicalEmpathy as Emotional Labor in ThePatient– Physician Relationship”,JAMA, USA 9: 1100–1116. 12.Epstein R. M., Franks P., Shields C. G.,Meldrum S. C., Miller K. N., CampbellT. L. & Fiscella K. 2005. “Patient-Centred Communication and DiagnasticTesting”, Annals of Family Medicine, 3:(5) 415-21. 13.Gilbert P. & Cole-King A. 2011.“Compassionate Care: The Theory andthe Reality”, Journal of HolisticHealthcare 8: 29-37. 14.King A. C. & Harding K.G. 2001.Psychological Factors and DelayedHealing in Chronic Wounds,Psychosomatic Medicine, USA, 63: (2)216-220. 15.Pommier EA. 2011. The CompassionScale. Dissertation AbstractsInternational Section A: Humanitiesand Social Sciences 72: 1174. 16.Akdeniz S, Deniz ME. 2016. TheTurkish adaptation of CompassionScale: The Validity and ReliabilityStudy. The Journal of Happiness &Well-Being 4 (1): 50-61. 17.Jack K, Tetley J. 2016. Using Poems toExplore the Meaning of Compassion toUndergraduate Nursing Students.International Practice DevelopmentJournal 6(1)[4]:1-13. doi:10.19043/ipdj.61.004. 18.Cingöl N, Çelebi E, Zengin S, Karaka?M. 2018. The Investigation OfCompassion Level Of Nursing StudentsIn A Health College, ClinicalPsychiatry 21: 61-67. 19.Shih CY, Hu WY, Lee LT, Yao CA,Chen CY, Chiu TY. 2017. Effect of aCompassion-Focused Training Programin Palliative Care Education for MedicalStudents. American Journal of Hospice& Palliative Medicine 30(2): 114-120.doi: 10.1177/1049909112445463 20.Isgör I.Y. 2017. An Investigation of thePredictive Effect of Attachment Stylesand Academic Success on Compassionin University Students, Journal ofErzincan University Faculty ofEducation 19(1):8299. doi:10.17556/erziefd.299182. 21.Tatum KJ. 2012. Adherence to GenderRoles as a Predictor of Compassion andSelf-Compassion in Women and Men.Baylor University, Doctoraldissertation. 22.Chakrabarti B & Baron-Cohen S. 2006.Empathizing: NeurocognitiveDevelopmental Mechanisms andIndividual Differences. Progress inBrain Research 156: 403-417. 23.Salazar LR. 2016. The RelationshipBetween Compassion, InterpersonalCommunication Apprehension,Narcissism and Verbal Aggressiveness.The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being4(1): 1-14. 24.Hutcherson, C. A., Seppala, E. M., &Gross, J. J. 2008. Loving-kindnessmeditation increases socialconnectedness. Emotion, 8(5), 720–724. doi:10.1037/a0013237.

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1.Potter PA, Perry AG, Stockert PA, HallAM. 2013. Fundamentals of Nursing:Nursing Today. 8th ed. St.LouisMissouri, Elsevier Mosby 1-13.
2.Bray L, O'Brien MR, Kirton J, ZubairuK, Christiansen A. 2014. The Role ofProfessional Education in DevelopingCompassionate Practitioners: A MixedMethods Study Exploring thePerceptions of Health Professionals andPre-Registration Students. NurseEducation Today 34:480-486. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2013.06.017.
3.Bloomfield J, Pegram A. 2015. Care,Compassion and Communication.Nursing Standard 29(25): 45-50.doi:10.7748/ns.29.25.45.e7653
4.Perez-Bret E., Altisent R., Rocafort J.2016. Definition of Compassion inHealthcare: A Systematic LiteratureReview. International Journal ofPalliative Nursing 22:599-606.doi:10.12968/ijpn.2016.22.12.599
5.Polat FN, Erdem R. 2017. TheRelat?onsh?p Between the Level ofCompass?on Fat?gue and Qual?ty ofProfess?onal Life: The Case of MedicalProfessionals, Master’s Thesis.Suleyman Demirel University Journalof Institute of Social Sciences 26(1):291-312.
6.Adam D, Taylor R. 2014;Compassionate care: Empoweringstudents through nurse education. NurseEducation Today 34:1242-1245. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.
7.Bety A. Lown vd., 2011; “An Agendafor Improving Compassionate Care: aSurvey Shows About Half of PatientsSay Such Care is Missing”, Health Aff(Millwood), USA 2011 30 (9): 1772–1778.
8.Cingel M. 2009. Compassion andProfessional Care: Exploring TheDomain. Nursing Philosophy: 10:124-136. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-769X.2009.00397.x
9.Scott, J. F. 2017. “Partnership wihtPatients and Families in Healtcare”,
10.Dietze E. V. & Orb A. 2000.Compassionate Care: A MoralDimension of Nursing, Nursing Inquiry7(3): 166-174
11.Eric B. L. & Xin Y. 2005. “ClinicalEmpathy as Emotional Labor in ThePatient– Physician Relationship”,JAMA, USA 9: 1100–1116.
12.Epstein R. M., Franks P., Shields C. G.,Meldrum S. C., Miller K. N., CampbellT. L. & Fiscella K. 2005. “Patient-Centred Communication and DiagnasticTesting”, Annals of Family Medicine, 3:(5) 415-21.
13.Gilbert P. & Cole-King A. 2011.“Compassionate Care: The Theory andthe Reality”, Journal of HolisticHealthcare 8: 29-37.
14.King A. C. & Harding K.G. 2001.Psychological Factors and DelayedHealing in Chronic Wounds,Psychosomatic Medicine, USA, 63: (2)216-220.
15.Pommier EA. 2011. The CompassionScale. Dissertation AbstractsInternational Section A: Humanitiesand Social Sciences 72: 1174.
16.Akdeniz S, Deniz ME. 2016. TheTurkish adaptation of CompassionScale: The Validity and ReliabilityStudy. The Journal of Happiness &Well-Being 4 (1): 50-61.
17.Jack K, Tetley J. 2016. Using Poems toExplore the Meaning of Compassion toUndergraduate Nursing Students.International Practice DevelopmentJournal 6(1)[4]:1-13. doi:10.19043/ipdj.61.004.
18.Cingöl N, Çelebi E, Zengin S, Karaka?M. 2018. The Investigation OfCompassion Level Of Nursing StudentsIn A Health College, ClinicalPsychiatry 21: 61-67.
19.Shih CY, Hu WY, Lee LT, Yao CA,Chen CY, Chiu TY. 2017. Effect of aCompassion-Focused Training Programin Palliative Care Education for MedicalStudents. American Journal of Hospice& Palliative Medicine 30(2): 114-120.doi: 10.1177/1049909112445463
20.Isgör I.Y. 2017. An Investigation of thePredictive Effect of Attachment Stylesand Academic Success on Compassionin University Students, Journal ofErzincan University Faculty ofEducation 19(1):8299. doi:10.17556/erziefd.299182.
21.Tatum KJ. 2012. Adherence to GenderRoles as a Predictor of Compassion andSelf-Compassion in Women and Men.Baylor University, Doctoraldissertation.
22.Chakrabarti B & Baron-Cohen S. 2006.Empathizing: NeurocognitiveDevelopmental Mechanisms andIndividual Differences. Progress inBrain Research 156: 403-417.
23.Salazar LR. 2016. The RelationshipBetween Compassion, InterpersonalCommunication Apprehension,Narcissism and Verbal Aggressiveness.The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being4(1): 1-14.
24.Hutcherson, C. A., Seppala, E. M., &Gross, J. J. 2008. Loving-kindnessmeditation increases socialconnectedness. Emotion, 8(5), 720–724. doi:10.1037/a0013237.
